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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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woah nobody has posted in the last 9 hours o_O


edit: for the ones who are just tuning in the OTB. Here's a pic i added a text to XD thought it might cheer you up




Hehe. That's pretty funny. I feel poopy today for some reason. (Don't make a wisecrack on that)

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she had a shooting leg pain, and they thought it could've been a clot or something...


the great part in it all, was that I was 4 mins. away from being a substitute teacher, b/c I was the only person (semi-available) to teach the class, can you see me teaching an 8th grade pre-alg. class ^_^


ahh, the greatness of a small school, and the fact that the teacher trusted me to teach the class HEHE!

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TJ. Teaching a class. o_O Well, I'm taking a 10th grade geomrtry class. I bet I coudl teach one with the lesson plan. xD


I got a bee sting on thw back of my leg rolling down a hill with some friends when I was like 10. Now THAT hurt. I haven't rolled down hills since.

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my mom got stung by a wasp. She said it hurt like ___, but she took care of the sting really fast and she didn't have any reaction so all good.


A wasp once entered my house and found it's way into my fathers shirt. OUCH.

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i was at my cousin's house once and we saw a scorpion on her window!!!!!!!We had to call an expert to capture it.


If I were a teacher, we would have a National Penguin Day.


Scorpion? Wow. I wonder if I'll ever see a live scorpion. Pretty neat looking. And potentially deadly.

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