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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yay congrats Mira!!!


Now lets change the subject..hmmmm Hey Ellie I have that avatar! I used to use it :D


Also Im working towards Super member.200 down 200 more posts to go xD

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Ellie: Agreed xD


Penguins are soooo cute! I once studied Antarctica and found out alot about them. It was cool. I like faerie Dumb neopets lol. penguins

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Baby penguins are the cutest too! Look like little grey balls of cuteness xD



Yup it's there for me too

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*goes to look at song*



OMG! I love that song too! It's great and I like the background music the most.

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woah that song is soo cool. I love these two songs:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMZdh4ufzG0 (cheesy video, but oh well)


and what is love, but i'm not gonna post the video link cuz the video might not be appropiate ...i don't find it innapropiate, but you never know lol XD.


and yes i'm back in my anonymous cave again XD.

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ah hadnt heard the blue song in awhile.. tho im sure its on my computer somehere..

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Im so bored right now. Subject change: Who did the ToE? And what prizes did you get?


@Mira: You didn't use the set Tyler made you for long. Why not use that?

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no idea Mira, will think about it


as faras ToW i havnt gotten my prizes yet.. havnt decided on what to get

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