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i shoudl actully go do dishes really quick...


your such a mean mom, making your neopets work *giggles*


thanks, i was typign a reply and my IE crashed on me *grummbles*


he is also recording new episdoes of feasting on asphalt in march-april ^_^ cant wait


theres a bug in it that somtiems if i have too many tabs open it freaks out..dose a few things (error message pop up and the tabs no longer look sd and the color goes from teh browser and other things. sometimes if i can get it to let me close a tab or 2 it will calm down, but othertimes it just ends up crashing..


oh okay that doesnt happen to me XD. I would probably freak out or something. It's funny how I would freak out if something happened to my pc or the browser, but in case of a real emergency such as, earthquakes, injuries, etc I don't really freak out


if somthingo n my computer breaks i just mention it to my boyfriend and he takes care of it ^_^ there isnt TOO much i can do that would make him haveto wipe everything to fix it. i love having a computer techie as a bf, hehehe


oh? i dont think ive seen it..butthen im not really a pokemon fan tho i have seen lotso f episodes, more from the earlier ones the the one they currently show on cartoon network..


..i need to teach my rat to clean for me.. yea.. then i wouldnth ave to, heh


yea i only have one right now, all her cagemates were older then her and they have all passed. she is just a pink eyed white. the last one to die was a hairless dumbo. she was the sweetest ^_^ unfortunitly the breeder i got her from has been gone for awhile, and hte breeder i got all my other rats has moved to another state.. and the current living rat wasnt even from a breeder, just a litter of a friend...


need todo internet serch for new breeders in the area.. my poor ratty shouldnt be living in the cage alone..



thats Elsbit my only rat currently..


aww your rat is soo cute! MY bf found a rat on his backyard a while back (i remember posting a pic of it). His parents wouldn't let him keep it so he set him free, but days later found him dead :/. I named him Mousey and it was a baby rat.


well i never condone even attempting to pick up a wild rat, even if they are babies. wild rats even if gotten while a baby do not have the demnor to be a pet. if they dont bite when they are small they will when they grow(i had a friend that actully adobted a wild rat and she did end up getting rid of it for biteing) i only barely condon petstores, some are good..however ones that mainly sell rats as feeders dont handle them or give them the attention they need, therefore the rats tend to be extrmly scared of people. you can still train them and calm them and get them to be loving, but its allot of work and time and it dosnt always work.

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