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Metroid rocks aslo (go head screenie it)


*Wipes tear from eye* I'm in a state of shock at the moment, so I'll just be in this corner over there. *Points*



Grr! Vivi beat me! That's not fair! I woke up at 5 PM on a school day! Why didn't my parents freaking wake me up for school?! I hate sleep!


Were you sick or something? I don't see how you slept till 5.


Very interesting, sorry about not getting FM first, but it really isn't that BIG of a deal.


Well, you didn't close the url, so it's linked to the egg page, but cool.


EDIT: FIxed it for you.

Random collections.


WHy didn;t they wake you up?

I'm still trying to figure that out. :mellow:


That's weird.


I changed my sig again. DIfferent adoptable, different recolor, and one of my top 3 splices instead of the color swap.


I must agree with Metroid.


Good Night all, I've got to do some stuff, before I go to bed, like take the trash out, man I hate trash days. :D Anyway, talk to you all tomorrow!


Trash day was today here.


I call my splice (the one in the middle) Baydash. SHe's a Bayleef Rapidash cross.


I don't collect anything. I used to collect plushies on my very successful main account that got frozen but I can't put anything in my gallery cos I'm working on the packrat avatar.


im playing games..need nps.. lol

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