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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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well if thats the problem then id say she was/is being very pety, but the only other reasoning i could think of is that she has mental problems, or she is just wanting attention.. too bad its hard to tell the diffrence between those 2 heh

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pms will make you moody yes but it dosnt have that drastic off effect, and if it dose you should really see your dr.

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When I read his siggy I imagine him on the side of a freeway with the cars going really fast and an old lady sucking at driving... with Eric talking to me. o_O


But my mates and I joke with our male mates about periods.

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ok now that we had a pms disscusion lets have one about feminine hygiene products, muhahahaha

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feminine hygiene products is a PC name for well lots of things that boys/guys/men tend to get freaked out about even hearing much less seeing.. unless they have been married.. then they dont seem to care as much.. usually not always

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