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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I scare people. I wear all black almost every day and and dark, but just because of that all the chavs call me a devil worshiper. More than half of the people where I live are chavs. I got called a devil worshiper like, 5 times this week. But when people actually meet me I'm last thing they should be scared of.

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i had to look up what a chav was.. never heard that term before..

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Me too. But I hate how so many people mix confuse labels with stereotyping. Labels are just adjectives to help describe people! It's no worse than someone who's blonde and calling them a blonde than someone who's goth and calling them a goth.

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i hate stero typing..but i hate more when i see someone who fits perfectly in them.. however the oens i realy cant stand.. mopy goths. i have met a few that this is the ONLY way i can describe them.. usually guys and ones that get drunk to a pathetic level.. one of the few types of person ive met that make me want to push them out of a moving car... not that i would but i certainly want to..


and mira by the sound of it chav is more of atero type then a label



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i was cooking dinner ^_^

scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravey yum


altho i guess it would be more lunch time-ish since dinner is 6am for us..

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becuase he gets off work at 5am, and its about a 30min drive home, heh


yay graveyard shift


thats why im always up this hour, if im not on here then im usually still online just at a diffrent webpage, lol

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yea he works 6pm to 5am, he also only works 4days a week. he is basicly help desk. and gets an avrage of maybe 2 or 3 calls a night, lol. poor thing gets so bored to death up there. im sure he takes his share of naps too, heh

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lol yup and i sitll makeh im cook most the meals... its not my fault he is a better cook. i aprently rock at breakfest foods, probly becuase i love them the most, heh. except french toast.. i usually make him cook those too..


i can cook pastas and stuff outta a box fine..usually.. lol

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