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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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He's said that to me awhile ago....


What happened to sloth??

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That's cruel. Sloth wasx quite hip in his old days.

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My account on avatar starried is super_llama_yo


I'm not much of an avatar collecter, but I'm going to start!

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Guest Астр&#10

Yes the alert is still down.


I think I now know why Levy kept getting rejected from the Beauty Contest.

Apparently, the problem was on their side. According to the new FAQs on the BC: http://www.neopets.com/s/index.phtml?track...rt_point_id=454


"The image was corrupted and not visible (this might not have anything to do with your image though, if it is showing up fine for you on the entry page and you know everything else is fine with it then it means that the problem is occurring on our side. The programmers are working on this but at this time there are problems seeing some images so please just keep trying. When this happens you might want to verify that your filename is in all lower case letters and that you are not using Firefox. If this continues to happen, check the other rules below. If your image is fine within these rules then keep trying, this will usually clear up itself after a few tries)."


As I was using Firefox to upload the image, it was never accepted because they couldn't see it. Now that I know the problem, I am going to enter him in IE. But guess what... "We're sorry, but the Beauty Contest has all the entries it can hold. Please enter the next contest as soon as this one is over. Thank you." Time to play the waiting game again...

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Due to his Communist ideals...STUDENT SHOULD ALWAYS BE STUDYING,and Father should never be proud of son for he is always a failure.....even though I do form 5 math at a form 3 level,he still aint happy..Damn Communist brainwashing...


Should I start a blog?

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I don't have an internet time really lol well my sis uses my computer because she doesn't have her own for private reasons XD you know the bad people...but now that she's old enough she will get one. But, it isn't all fun and games because if I break a house rule, my mom could suspend my internet.

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