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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Guest Tyrant Tyler
Humph, people you dont like sad.gif

Anime should make a list of the people she doesn't like...


Confusiousnz and I would make the top two...

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Guest Tyrant Tyler
Ryan is at the top. Um... That's all for people I don't like, I could add some more if people that annoying me count.

You don't have to act nice. Confusiousnz has said to me, and I quote, "At least I'm not the only one Anime hates."


Besides, I understand why you might not like me alot. After reading some of the past shouts I have made in the shoutbox, I was a horribly bad person...

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Guest Tyrant Tyler
Yeah... no doubt about that....

That was one of the main reasons I wanted to see the shoutbox again, so I could see exactly what happened. I'm a better person, thanks to being banned.


I got a quick question about the shoutbox rules though, would posting one of my smilies linked from photobucket break the shoutbox rules?

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Guest Tyrant Tyler
Yes. It's an outside image.

Ok, Thanks.


Another question, how often does Ian add new smilies? And if I asked him, would he add these smiles? X3.gifpoke.giflol.gif

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