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i dont think ive only played that game once.. maybe twice.. not really my cup of tea



noooooooooooooooooooo i just accently closed a file i was working on in photoshop, on top of that i didnt click to save changes so i lost the last sevral things i had done to it *cries* if anyone was curious was working on a trinty blood layout undecided if it was gonna be neopets or just a weblayout...sigh.. well least i had saved somewhat recently


err you get the program photoshop and make things with it O.o


>.< the brush looks like the top of a paintbrush should be in the second collom i think 4th down, it is there, there is a pencil AND a pen tool too(altho most poeple dont know about the pen since its realitivly new)





you can alter images or make new ones from scratch but for starting i suggest getting one and playing until you learn the tools




oh also if you have any specific questiosn feel free to message me, im on yahoo pretty much constantly

I changed my name, I am now Tyrant Tyler.

Why Tyrant?

Because when I get power, I abuse it. smackk.gif


((Ye have been warned))


Seriously though, follow the fad and if you can change your name, change it to something like I have in front of your name. Like Angel Anime. Make sure the first two letters are the same or it won't sound right. X3.gif


Kinda hard with Vivi, no good words begin with V coems to mind, but im thinking of a change of name lately.

gonnas see if tyhey're any decent charachteres in the upcoming Final Fantasy 12, 3 days left :D :D :D


heh it looks cool :]

i dont know bout cute though...

that face is a bit mean lookin...

but cool X3

heh it looks cool :]

i dont know bout cute though...

that face is a bit mean lookin...

but cool X3


It's the face of happiness! (Yeah, that sounds odd, but bare with me)


My brother just asked me what state was bigger than Texas. When I asked him why, he said he wanted to prove this kid in his class wrong. Apperently they thought it was Antarctica. o_O


No I think she meant apple... at least thats what she meant last time...


Edit Anime is a bad bad girl, she deleted too peoples posts for no reason, and didnt even use are cool new mod system :(

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