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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oookkk. I went to Chinese school a jillion years ago, but I gave up because I didn't understand much. I know some basic stuff though.


Bo, what are you talking about? Don't take Bo seriously... I have to warn you about that. He's crazy. XD


Uh. . .*shifts away nervously*

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I'm mandarin, but I don't speak it very well. I used to, but when I learned English I forgot most of it. I now speak near perfect English, and virtually no mandarin.


My other half is Malaysian. I have an NZ character, because that's where I grew up.

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Generally new pages take me completely off guard. *goes to change page setting to 50 posts*


Edit: Make that 40 posts

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I just had dinner. Rice, beef, lettuce and prawns. My brother is addicted to pistachios.

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