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Giovanni Gale

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Yes, it is Chinese New Year. And here in Malaysia it's a really big occasion. We even get a week's holiday, starting tomorrow.

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It's President's Day in America, so we don't have school. It's mostly for presidents like Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, and I'm also related to him! :D And George Washington, but all our actual good presidents are gone. I hate our current president. I have a higher IQ than him and I'm 15!

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Aww. Lucky. Do you get Ung Boa's too? [Pretty sure that's not how you spell it]

It's Ang Bao. Well, we get some, but not from the school.


How do you know the President's IQ?

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How can you like him?! He's so shallow!!!


How do you know the President's IQ?

I don't, but I have videos that prove it, but they contain profanity, he's been could saying the s word and giving people the finger multiple times.

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