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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Some more mods should be employed to cover the forums 24-7... or maybe fantastic members should have limited moderating privileges.

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i reported the porn guy. 2nd time in less than a week that has happened. its gross.

acyully every night spammers join and post, we are obviusly on a list for bots to hit up. thats just the 2nd time(in a row too) that they have finally started using photos..


i forget to they have it set that you have to verify your email before being able to log in?

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eh then the only hope to stop them is if it is a bot and not a person and the people who make the board have came out with a new update specifically in the confermation system where you enter the numbers/letters you see.


or maybe if they close membership so that it has to be aproved case by case for awhile it would get us enough to be taken off the list.. however i doubt it..


now im off to go download new goodies for my sims2, finally got the pets expansion pack installed woohoo..

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Of all the forums on the internet why this one? We're just a quiet little community full of insane people.

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i dunno, if they do something really bad, you could.


did you hear about the people who spammed the Myspace. they used a trojan horse to get millions of peopes passwords, and send out spam bulletins from theuir account.


in the end, myspace found out who did it and took them to court and won the case. can't remeber what happened to the people though

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You know the spammers aren't actually "people" Someone makes up some stupid code to get a computer to sign up a bunch of times and post the same rude messages. It happens all over the place. That is why the links are the same in some. Once we upgrade our securoty, they should stop.

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