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Giovanni Gale

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This is confusing.


My favourite subject at school is physics. It is a coincidence that my dad is the teacher.

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Theo has split science subjects. I'm not as high grade so I get to have it all in one go. Lucky me(I'm not telling you if this is sarcastic or not). My dad teaches me science. I'm in Year 9.

By the way, how come the eggs always hatch late?

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*doi* I knew there was something I was going to pester my dad about. Need to pre-order that.


Harry can't die! Unwritten main chacter code!

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Harry can't die! Unwritten main chacter code!

If it is the last book then it is going to happen, just look at Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. JACK DIED!!!!

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Yeah, but you come back. You're never actually dead.


*thinks* Not really. They're going after him, right? If they come back, it dosen't count. Harry can't come back.

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