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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah Right EIGHT DAYS A WEEK! :3 When i saw her standing there!!!!!@@@@@@@@!~~~~~~~


I don't get you.

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Yeah Right EIGHT DAYS A WEEK! :3 When i saw her standing there!!!!!@@@@@@@@!~~~~~~~

DUDE, PLEASE STOP POSTING POSTS THAT MAKE NO SENSE ONE BIT. You can be random and make at least some. In my opinion, I think you're just trying to get your posts up. I'm sorry if I sound a bit mean. I'm just stressed after a long, hard, day of school. Oh, AND THERE ARE ONLY 7 DAYS IN A WEEK. XD

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Look everyone, The reason BeatlesBiggestFan is doing this is because he wants to be popular and random. He has probably read Metroids posts and though "Ohh Ill be like him! That way I can get a high post count and be cool".


I suggest ignoring.

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Yeah. I know. Random=Saying something out of nowhere that at least makes sense. It's where we can be off topic, talk about anything that's appropriate, but it has to at least make sense. If it's just something that makes no sense, it's spam. I suggest you read the rules FOR ONCE.

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Your messages are not random. They are SPAM Short Pointless annoying messages. I suggest you stop or you won't be very well liked around here.

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Man so many mean members

I'm actually a really nice person if you don't annoy me. I just... don't like you. I'm sorry. And I'm grumpy from getting back from a day at school where I worked my a** off. I apologize, I'm not usually like this. It's just... when people annoy me to a certain point, I snap. I'm really sorry.

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All you have to do is make sure your posts can be understood by other members.


I do occasionally buy stocks, but I'm not very good at it.

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BeatlesBiggestFan. You posts MUST MAKE SENSE or they are consdered spam, and I will not hesitate to delete posts and/or ban you if need be.


Mira, watch your language in the future. Don't want to go to far.


Everyone else, you know beter. You all know how to reach me ASAP with this. Next time, don't drag it on so much.

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Okay. I'm trying to control my anger. Just please, BeatlesBiggestFan, stop pushing it farther and farther. I'm trying my hardest not to be so mad, so just please stop making it worse.

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