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I like teddy grahams. Honey is the best flavor. :D

God, you have no sense of humor, huh? You should relax.


Yelling is not considered humor. Are you going to keep on like this, or can we move on now? <_<



Know any good Jokes about magic? (can be Harry Potter)

i got one:


I am not to sing 'We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!' when sent to the Headmaster's office'.


- I am definitely not to sing it accompanied by the house elves acting as a backing group.


-Especially not with kazoos.


I can honestly say that I didn't find any of those funny. Sorry.


o_O Maybe it's because I haven't seen The Wizard of Oz in a while, but I don't get that joke.


I have seen one episode.

I did not think it was good.


There are much better comedies out there anyway.

Such as,

My Name is Earl,

The Office.

You too.


Okay, what the heck did I do? You get upset since someone says something to you and you take it out on someone who didn't say anything to you. Think about that. End of Discussion.


Random but.....

Don't you think that the Office Depot hand in a box sort of copies Staples easy button


Mira, Metroid is not yours, nor is he a panda. Let him go.


I doubt Mira will give metroid up


*takes nickle* Thanks. *gose about identifiying the lifeforms on said nickle*

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