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Congrats Mario! I am hopeless at that game :/


*blush* Awww thankyou Mira! Thats so sweet!

Oh yeah, TJ, you know you display picture, the 24 thing, is that for the show called "24"?

Yes, that show just rocks! Premier was on last sunday. :D


Awwwwwwww Thankyou Mira! You are too! :) :D


Yep, good idea, its great to get BD items cheap. That way you don't end up spending as much in the long run.

Haha look at this glich i made



sorry if it is small


If I can add something, so it doesn't look as real, your bori, is in its attack position, maybe you could change the boris pic to the injured one, and Punchbag Bobs to his regular one, although the one there could be his regular one, I'm not sure.


He has a point. It;d be more convinceing with the Bori in attacked postsion.


omgosh 24 iss soooooooooooooo sickkk


i cantt beeleivee the explosion actualyy happened after all that they went through :(

*Randomly walks in* Guys, I need superglue and a bag of feathers.

They have to be fake feathers!

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