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Giovanni Gale

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we havent gotten snow at all this year....urg

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It snowed today where I live.


Once again...

Ya know what Metroid? You seriously need to make more comics with littls, lovealbe me! You know you want to our I might just get T.A. over here...

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Snow would've been better - I spent a freakishly long time chipping ice off my car windows, and fell on my butt several time on the way there and back. We're not having anything near freezing till Thursday, so that half-inch isn't gonna melt till then.

And of course, I happen to have school tomorrow. x_x

Maybe I'll get lucky and the professor won't be able to get out...

edit: Why do my posts always start a new page?!

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its quite hard to do proper impressions unless you been to place because like Britain, its known for the culture and hisortory and on tv it sometimes show us talking like:


"good evening ole chap, its been a spiffin day hasn't it, would you like some tea and crumpets"


yet we never talk like that

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