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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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*Waits patiently for eggs to hatch*


It's windy here, and the sky is grey. *braces for rain*

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Hi everyone, I'm still alive here. ;) I was on Christmas vacation with my family the past few days, and now everything is starting to wind back up again with school starting Wednesday. x_x So how has everyone's holiday been? :D

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So how has everyone's holiday been? :D


Fine, except for my economics homework and my internet connection, which has serious issues.

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Got dial-up? I can relate....<_<


We couldn't get the networks in our campground, so we didn't get to watch the big humongus-jungous countdown to 2007. Oh well. ^_^

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Guest Christmas Trace (Not Tree)

Dial-up sucks, but I got a good feeling about this year. My dad was looking at our phone company's website. We are going to get DSL soon. All I can say is, 'ABOUT F<bleep>ING TIME!!!'

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