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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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cool, thats plenty early. It'll only be 5 o'clock!


we could always do the festivities on the Chinese buffet of the pwnful people!

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Ya. Some of us want some more posts to see the uber cool fantastic members board. You guys should just wait till the rest of us catch up. jk. I find it funny how far back I am.

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Ya. The off topic board is my favorite becasue you never know what crazy thing Metroid will pop up and say or if a conversation about pickles will erupt out of nowhere.

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True. Well Actually I'm doing purdy good. 423 isn't that bad.

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its not much...we just have utter craziness

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That's true. I wonder.

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Keiko, are you watching the Naruto marathon?


of course! What do you think I do in real life? Go Temari!

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I'm watching bit's and pieces of it when i go to the other tuner. I'm taping it for my cousin adn then going to burn them to DVD. (all 13 hours!!)

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lol. That is if Metroid is here. Well it seems kinda slow today.

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TJ, all fodd is going to be here at the time the party starts. Anything and everything, even rancid tacos for Metroid. xD

We get free food? o_O Man, did I pick the right party or what.

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