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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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ello. jolly good day, ewot? I feel like a Brit.

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:P I know. Just on all the tv shows, they make fun of them like that.


I left my ski(silent t inserted here)les in the elicopta.

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Yep. This board is the only one with 342 pages!

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yesterday was an outcast....we went through endless pages...

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yay!!! I dot have a wii, though.

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yea, I've never ever heard of it.....

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well Wikipedia never let me down before, lets hope it helps today


Wikipedia is very helpful...but Im too lazy, look for me

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I should still be there. It's near the bottomo of the Articles list, I think.

Yep, I see it. *feels dumb* There is big lettering that says "Plots" DUH TJ :)

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hehe had a look, basically a monster truck game for the wii where you tilt the remot control left to move left, right to move right etc, actually looks like a cool game.


only thing that im confused, Wii is nintendo, nintendo is japan, yet this game is relased in america first, and not in japan for another month, would have thought it be the other way round

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well, we make games too, just not as much. probably not the good games

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