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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Very true. I wonder how close I am to 300 posts. Thats my goal for today.

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My guess is they talk on MSN about important stuff, and use the staff board to goof off, i.e. the fangirls


:P Just Kidding guys, i mean, how would I know.

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Ya TJ. I thought about it when I was typing and I couldn't see then. I'm so proud of myself though!!!

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I have IMVU. I used to have AIM but I didn't go on it so it got deleted.

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Moron Metroid. In the last episode, I got hit by a truck while wearing a frog suit and spent a while at the emergancy room. I then was shipped off to the "Happy Home" for some reason. After everything was settled, I came back here and started thinking of what I should do. This is what my idea was. MAKE ANOTHER EPISODE! *Confetti*


Today, I will do a reanactment of the original Donkey Kong Arcade. Since I couldn't convince Donkey Kong to actually come here, I found a wild male gorilla instead.


Metroid: All you have to do is throw barrels at me!

Gorilla: *Grunts*

Metroid: Here we g- OOF! *Gets hit by a barrel and falls of the side of the construction site unconsious.

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I will.. but then i would hve to go find them. Omgoshh i just watched the movie: feardot.com OMG it was coool, people said it was reallll scary.. but not really.. juz alot of suspense

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