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Giovanni Gale

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I tried their hot cocoa, it tastes like dark chocolate, so if you like dark chocolate then you will like Starbucks hot cocoa.


I'm a TDN addict now! (is that good or bad?)



@ pyrope, I assumed that because that was what everyone called you :graduated:

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That's awesome. My grade school didn't have any. (At least not outside of the teacher's lounge.) In middle school, they had them, but didn't allow them to be used until after school. And HS, it was an open campus. I don't remember seeing any vending machines, but if you crossed the street, there were almost a dozen fast food places within a 2 block radius of the school.

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There used to be a McDonalds within walking distance of my school, but it got torn down and it's not opening again until November. There's also a pizza place within walking distance of school as well as another burger joint, a grocery store and a gas station.

The pizza place is a popular hangout, even though the pizza is okay at best and rumour has it that people do drugs behind that building. (At least that's what I heard...)

The vending machines at my middle school were on all day but weren't allowed to be used during school hours. I totally didn't understand that at all :/

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Within a block of the main gym there was an Arbys, McDonald's, Wendy's, Domino's, and Taco Bell. Within a block of the main building, there was a gas station, 2 pizza places, Carl's Jr, and I don't remember what else. (my school was on 3 different blocks, 4 buildings. Main building with separate shop building. Main gym down a block, and auxiliary gym over a block.)

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Oh wow. O.O I can't imagine having all that many fast food places within walking distance of my school. No, really. :P

I also can't imagine going to a high school that's larger than my current one. It has one building and two floors.

Just about everyone I meet goes (or has gone) to a bigger school than I do. :laughingsmiley:

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I went to a huge HS. It was pretty much in the middle of downtown. It was the first HS in my city, so when others opened after quite a few years, they had to change the name. (It had the city name as the name.)


It's 4 building. 2 gyms, the main building, which has 3 floors, plus a basement where the science classes are held, and the shop building is on the same block, but separate, is 2 floors.

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My highschool is fairly big. 5 buildings.

Main office, one just for classrooms, and the rest have classrooms but also have two cafeterias, a gym, and a library. Not in each one of course though.



I'm actually really getting into being a part of my school. Our football team going to the state championship last year helps. :P



Btw, 48066, awesome siggy.

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(holy crap, there are 42 guests viewing this thread. o_O)

Aaaaanyway. I'm not sure when my high school was built, but my best guess is that it was built sometime in the '50s or '60s. I know that there were some parts to it that were redone or built much more recently, presumably around 2004 or something.

There are actually only a few hundred students going there, which is a whole lot less than I thought.

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I went to my school's library the other day. I was so glad I found a copy of a book that I've wanted to read for a few months in there. :D

I feel like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time at my school's library. There are soooo many books there that I really want to read. c:

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That is huge, my JH is one story high, O.o



@ citidal squirrel: same to you (layton for MVP!)


and TBH I didn't make it pyrope did :guiltysmiley:


my school is barely 50 years old and holds, drum roll please..... about 600 students <_<

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All I know is that the oldest school in my district was built in the early 1900s. I went there in grade 4 and it was my favourite school ever. The administration was great, the school was relatively small so it was hard to get lost and they sold canned Snapple during lunch. Everything about that school was perfect <3

Plus, that school had two playgrounds. I was kinda sad when I went to grade 5 and found out the middle school didn't have a playground. :(

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My grade school and middle school were single level.


My grade school had 2 playgrounds. (If you don't count the fenced in one for the kindergarten.) I loved that school. And my middle school. Both were the ones my mom had gone to. I didn't get to go to the HS she went to. (She went to the 2nd HS opened in the city.)

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Wow...my high school is only one floor and it's mostly one building. We have the main building plus a big gym that's divided into a girls gym and a boys gym by a long hallway.

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Mine too. xP All the schools I've been to so far have had at least one floor. The elementary school I went to in grade 4 had three, as does my high school. I totally forgot about the basement-type floor with the boiler rooms and wrestling room. I think there are a few computer classes and art classes down there as well...

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