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Giovanni Gale

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True enough. :D And the AC games have the potential of getting you a PB from the prize shop, which is a lot more NP than just gaming


I wonder what's gonna be in the prize shop this year? PBs have been deflating from the new wheel so maybe they'll be awesome and give out Draik Eggs? haha wishful thinking maybe :P

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hahaha DC FTW!!!! But that'd be kinda silly to give out the brush, since it's in the HT :P


Ooh, that makes sense Spritzie. The PB went up a little bit in price too, so that would be nice :D

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Tyrannia and Terror Mountain have been doing surprisingly well o_O The YYB change switched up everyone's predictions hahaha

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Maybe you could buy my mom's PB that she got from the fruit machine.


I checked, and the branch closest to me has a few seasons of Numb3rs. I might have to check it out. :yes:


Ok... my goal for today is to get to Rank 1! Wish me luck.

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Your mom got a Desert PB from the Fruit Machine? I got a Split PB once.


I almost finished for the day. I fell 150 short, so I'll be getting those when I get home tonight.


Awesome! I'm glad they had some Liz. Let me know what you think.

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Yeah she got one a few days ago, and had no idea what it was worth, so I told her to look it up... she's pretty excited now.


I'm about to start for the day... I just finished my dailies.

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Wow, congrats to your mom! :D I've never won a pb from the fruit machine, I bet it's exciting haha


Maybe I'll do some super-ultra-intense gaming and get up to -wait for it- 250 PLAYS OF SOSD!!! :O

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@Liz Congrats to your mom and good luck with Rank 1! :)


250 SOSD plays does sound pretty intense. I think I did at least 100 yesterday (heck, maybe even 150, idk) and I had to turn my lappy on and off because it was heating up too hot, too frequently. Maybe it's because the Altador Cup just slurps up your CPU. xP

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Thanks! I think a got one of the cheap PBs from the fruit machine once... I've never gotten anything worth that much before (that I didn't pay for).


Yeah, I have to restart my browser sometimes when I do a bunch of games because it starts to lag. I get annoyed at Habitarium sometimes too because it's so laggy.

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Eh, I don't do Habitarium unless I'm really bored and/or desperate to get more NP.

I'm checking it right now and all of my petpetpets are sleeping and dreaming about food...if only they could eat in their sleep. xD

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I'm home! Time to knock out those last 150 games. <_<


My husband got a PB, and some bottled faeries, along with like, 10k NP from the Fruit Machine once. I didn't even realize you could get that much from it.

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Wow, you're one dedicated AC Player, Spritzie! No wonder your team 'put out our team's fire' yesterday. :P


I got to Rank 3 this morning, mainly through Yooyuball and SS. I don't find SS as annoying as all the other three games, maybe because I grew up with playing '"Food Serving Games". XD But it's time consuming, so I've to go back to Yooyuball occasionally.

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:laughingsmiley: I'm trying this year. Last year, I avoided YYB until the very end. This year, I'm planning ahead for not playing YYB at all. I didn't find YYB all that fun last year, and now with the control change, I'd rather focus on the side games, especially SOSD since it's faster than playing YYB.

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I was going to avoid YYB, but most of my games don't go too badly. It's a bit more encouraging to be able to see a rank point with one game, and then try and do a bunch of quick SOSD. Plus, I get bored playing one game for too long.


P.S. Jelly chias freak me out too.

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