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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yea, you're a fat wario, penny pinching kind of person. no offense

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?_? <--------------my expression. It's the "What in the world???????" face.


I wanna burrito

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Where did these come from???? ?_? <---------------that dude is coool


Metroid? Im scared about these burritos....

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But they are delicious! I'll even take a bite! *Takes a bite of burrito* See? I feel perfectly fine! The only thing bad about my burritos is that you may experience indegestion. That's why I recommend Pepto Bismal! Sometimes I think you all are crazy. Wow, this burrito is so good tha- *Explodes*

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I want mexican food....except the type Metroid makes

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You know waht? I'll pass. *Drives to mexican food resturant* I didnt know I could drive!

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I said I didnt even know I could drive! I'll have to make some room....*smack metroid through the window* YOU CAN FLOAT TO THE ROOT BEER FLOAT PLACE!!!

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