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Giovanni Gale

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Shoes are fun too :D I love boots. Picked up an old-fashioned lace up the front type for $5 at a thrift store a few weeks ago; they're black and shiny! ^_^

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Huh, I never really understood the whole purse-collecting thing. But maybe that's because up until a few weeks ago, I wore cargo pants almost exclusively. The huge pockets meant I never needed to carry a purse.


Now that I've been wearing jeans though... :P

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I just like hats cause I keep my hair long, which makes it real bushy on top and REAAAAALY hard to control, so just grab a fedora and BOOMSHOCKALOCKA! hair look goooooood b)

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So no ponytails for you? :laughingsmiley:


My hair has been growing out. I discovered last night, my hair was finally long enough for a regular ponytail. (I've been pulling it into a low one at work.)

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My hair has been short for nearly 4 years now. (I cut it when I was about 21-22.) Before that, it'd been long since I grew it out after cutting it in 6th grade. So it was long for a LONG time. And I just got sick of it.


My cat sleeps most of the day too. (Except when he's harassing my mom.) And he's nearly 6 years old.

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I keep trying to grow my hair long, but it doesn't work :( I always get split ends like whoah when it's about halfway down my back :/ Currently, it falls just below my shoulder blades, and I like it just a little bit longer.


Guys with ponytails = :wub_anim: Especially when they actually take care of it, because then it's all smooth and shiny and fluffy :laughingsmiley:

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I never go that long. It's never really more than a few inches below my shoulders. Now my sister on the other hand, she hates cutting her hair. She'd just get the ends trimmed when needed. A year or so ago, it was below her waist. (And she's tall: 5'11) But a couple Christmas ago, she cut it to her shoulders and donated it to the Locks of Love, as a Christmas present to a friend who lost a daughter to cancer. (Her hair was thick enough, she was actually able to make 2 donations.) So now her hair is at her shoulders.


I've generally had short hair here and there since I was younger. But I kind of like being able to put it in a ponytail, or braid it, or twist it into a clip. Otherwise it can annoy me.

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My hair was longer but I recently cut 10 inches off and donated to Panteen's Beautiful Lengths that makes wigs for women with cancer so now my hair is pretty short. It's curly so when it's wet its almost to my shoulders but when it dries its an inch or two shorter. I'm enjoying it short but it was nice when it was long though.

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Wow, that's crazy. I've always wanted to donate my hair to something like that, but I'm short, so long hair for me is generally not long enough for the requirements :P


My hair gets curlier the longer it is. Right now it's more between straight and wavy. Before my last haircut, the ends dried into ringlets. Was pretty cool, and I have to say I kinda miss it.


I'd love to cut my hair in a new style, since it's been more or less the same for ~11 years now, but I don't know what to change it to!!! It's too bad I'm not an anime character or I'd totally make it spiky like Kallen from Code Geass :P

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Haha I know right? Imagine if like...Yugioh hair was actually possible without looking ridiculously fake. Spiky hair looks awesome in anime but unfortunately doesn't translate to reality very well...

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I think you have to have 10 inches. I'm 5'6 and that'd still be pretty long on me. I couldn't handle my hair that long. It'd drive me crazy.


My hair is stick straight. Seriously. So many people think I use a flat iron on it, to get it this straight. :laughingsmiley: It's so straight, it doesn't even hold curl when I tried. (So I quit trying.) My hair is about to my collarbone right now. Until recently, it's been the length of profile picture since 2007. I like short because it dries quick naturally, and I can blow dry it in less than 10 minutes when I'm in a hurry. (My hair is super thick.)

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Haha I know right? Imagine if like...Yugioh hair was actually possible without looking ridiculously fake. Spiky hair looks awesome in anime but unfortunately doesn't translate to reality very well...

Yugioh hair is freaking epic. :laughingsmiley: I have seen different spiky hairstyles. Honestly, I am not a fan. But it depends on the person, whether it suits him or her.

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Yugioh hair is freaking epic. :laughingsmiley: I have seen different spiky hairstyles. Honestly, I am not a fan. But it depends on the person, whether it suits him or her.


Haha I know right?? So is Fire Emblem hair...mmmm :wub_anim:






so pretty :D

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OMG, Fire Emblem! :O It's one of my favorite DS games. I have always liked Tactical RPGs.


Woot @the hairs. xD

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OMG, Fire Emblem! :O It's one of my favorite DS games. I have always liked Tactical RPGs.


Woot @the hairs. xD


my favorite game series ever! if wasn't lazy i'd post my favorite hair characters, but the older games take a little more searching. if you haven't played any of the old ones, i recommend genealogy of the holy war

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