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I vaguely remember... it's been a long time. But Neopets related work. My friend and I actually had a story we'd been working on for the NT. But we never did end up finishing it.


Yeah. :( We worked on it for quite awhile, and it was nearly finished. But we quit talking after 6 years and he quit going on Neopets.


Yeah. We met when I was 15. And we stopped talking when I was 21. So it's been 4 years since I've talked to him.


No. That was it. I think I'd do better with trying for a comic or something, since I haven't written anything in so long, but I have no artistic ability. And for stories/articles, I'm completely idea-less. But I'd love to work on something to submit someday.


Oh I see :) Well good luck in the future if you decide to!

I'd like to do something for NT to get the avatar.. but I have no ideas and I'm pretty sure nothing I could submit would do very well.


I'm out of ideas. I love writing, and have always been good at it, I just have no unique ideas to use at the moment.


You should try writing for the NT again Spritzie! :D I keep getting stuck on my story, and I'd love to really work on and finish it up soon. :whistle:


I'm just nervous about how much swordfighting is appropriate for a Neopets story xD


Hi everyone. I've been thinking about writing for the Neopian Times. What are the odds of me getting published? A different game that I play has me as a writer and I write articles for them ranging from how-to's to humorous articles. I enjoy writing well enough, just curious how likely someone is to get published in the NT.


I also want to do some more writing for the NT. I have a couple ideas, but very little time to write. I also really hate typing, so I feel less compelled to be creative at the computer.


Hi everyone. I've been thinking about writing for the Neopian Times. What are the odds of me getting published? A different game that I play has me as a writer and I write articles for them ranging from how-to's to humorous articles. I enjoy writing well enough, just curious how likely someone is to get published in the NT.

If you are remotely competent with grammar and spelling, and you have some creative ideas, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting published in the NT. If you take a look at some of the things that have been published in the NT, and you can honestly say to yourself, "I can write that well, and I have a good idea," then I think you should give it a try. Are you more interested in writing stories or articles?


If you are remotely competent with grammar and spelling, and you have some creative ideas, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting published in the NT. If you take a look at some of the things that have been published in the NT, and you can honestly say to yourself, "I can write that well, and I have a good idea," then I think you should give it a try. Are you more interested in writing stories or articles?


I would say I'm more than remotely competent in both areas. I'm just afraid that the things I'd be interested in writing about have already been written. For example, I could see myself writing an article about getting into stamp collecting despite being the new kid on the block, but I'm sure that's already been done. Thoughts?


I just did a search the NT for articles on stamp collecting, and I found four articles (five, if you count the article on coconuts). Take a quick read through them, and see if you think you have something different to offer. Even if you have an idea similar to an old article, if the last time someone wrote about it was two years ago, I think it might be time for fresh, new article.


Haha, I seriously just got confused when I clicked on this thread. I was like :eh: but I just had the weirdest diner, Mac 'n' cheese, chicken meatballs, black beans with garlic, and a chocolate bunny.


Haha, but we have a :yum: now! I actually have nothing to say about writing either because I do not do it so well.


So how are you doing Tyler and/or anyone else out there?


I for one am doing okay. Although my mood has been a roller coaster the last hour or so. That's what happens when I have time to think. -headdesk-


How 'bout you, Wembly?


And where did Tyler go?


Apparently he disappeared. I guess I scared me off with the yum smiley. I'd doing all right, I have a bit of a headache at the moment. Though I do have Owl City's 'Meteor Shower' playing on repeat right now so my mood is improving.


I had a really annoying day today. I broke a tooth last week, so I had to go to the dentist this morning to have it filled. I never get freezing for fillings, and it only hurt a little at the time, which was good. But then I had to substitute teach a Grade 7/8 class in the afternoon, and they were the WORST class I have ever been in! They wouldn't listen to me for anything. :angry: After I had been there for about half an hour, my tooth started to ache quite badly. I was in so much pain, and so annoyed at the class I was teaching. I couldn't wait for the day to be over.


I'm much better now, though. The pain has gone away.


Now I'm trying to do some NC trading, but it's a slow night on Charter for trades. I thought it would be busier, because a bunch of items are retiring, but I haven't been that lucky.


Eww bummer about your day. I find on the nights I decide to look into trading nc I either find way to many things I potentially want or spend forever finding nothing.


Are we really that annoying, Masaryk?

I'll have to rethink my substitue routine. :P

OH! I had a really awesone sub recently though.

When I brought my pet dolphin over to his desk and introduced George to him he asked if I had any other weird habits.

And then when I asked him if he liked squirrels he told me some of his closest friends are squirrels. :P


In all seriousness though, sorry about your day and various dental issues.


I have no issue whatsoever with Grade 7 and 8 classes, as a whole. They are usually my favourite grades to teach, and I don't find most classes to be annoying at all. It was just this particular class. They were unusually rude, immature, and disrespectful, not just to me, but to each other too. It doesn't really bother me if students are just being jerks to me, but it irritates me when their classmates start begging me to send other kids to the office, so that they can concentrate on their work. It would have been a good day if they were just plain weird.


And I finally got some of my NC trades. One more to go!

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