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Giovanni Gale

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Guest Chistmas Trace (Not Tree)
I want keiko :( But really would you want to vote for someone who talks about people like this?


Ill give you a hint: the person shes talking about is voting for her.


After having some time to think about this post I have come to relize, who are we suposed to turn to when the staff members are breaking the rules?

By posting that, Anime just broke rule 1.

And I quote that rule:

"Swearing, insulting, attempting to bypass a filter, or being rude towards another member is not appreciated and not allowed. Respect every member and every staff member."

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Please,TA, can't we just keep this in the Fantastic Member's section? Let's all thank TBC for bringing light to this,but please remember,it's PWN PEOPLE'S SIGGYS, NOT PWN THEM BECAUSE OF A RIVAL'S PROPAGANDA.

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Trace, obviously, you still turn to us staff members. Just because we're staff, it doesn't mean we're perfect. However, one of our jobs is to moderate the forums, and I think we do a pretty darn good job of it. If you do think that we're meant to be perfect, your expectations are obviously too high.


Besides, that was part of a private conversation in the fantastic members area, and should not be capitalised for the sake of another's desperation to win a competition that's supposed to be fun. I'm rather disappointed that it was.

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I still think TBC is annoying,and I am still holding something against him,regardless of what the rules say. Freedom of speech ain't gonna be suppressed in this case. And TBC's guilty of being rude a lot more than Anime is at this point.

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Guest Chistmas Trace (Not Tree)
Trace, obviously, you still turn to us staff members. Just because we're staff, it doesn't mean we're perfect. However, one of our jobs is to moderate the forums, and I think we do a pretty darn good job of it. If you do think that we're meant to be perfect, your expectations are obviously too high.


Besides, that was part of a private conversation in the fantastic members area, and should not be capitalised for the sake of another's desperation to win a competition that's supposed to be fun. I'm rather disappointed that it was.

What, you still think I hold some kind of a grudge againt you guys?


I respect what you guys do.

I'm now begining to think the rules are too strict...

*Looks around aimlessly and punches hole in wall...*

I hate school...

*Falls asleep*

It was TBC who took that screenshot anyway, if he hadn't done that we wouldn't be talking about it.

*Blames TBC...*

*Goes back to sleep*


I'm not even getting involved in that staff contest anymore. In my opinion, it needs to be moved to the contests forum...

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Guest Chistmas Trace (Not Tree)

Then watch out, from the way things are spreading TBC might be doing that behind our backs...

*looks around the room timidly...*


Edit: No wait, AHH CRAP!!! Now I do feel like an <removed>. That post was in the fantastic members board and I JUST now read it. She was talking about me!!! :grrr:


MOD EDIT: Please do not swear or cuss.

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Guest Chistmas Trace (Not Tree)

Yeah, I heard it on a Christmas Horror movie trailor...

*creepy deep voice*IIIIIII'mmmm dreaaminggg of black *screams* Christmas.....*

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Guest Chistmas Trace (Not Tree)

I got to say, it was unique. I never saw the trailor again though. I guess the TV stations agree with you. But I still got to ask myself, what were they on where they came up with that idea?

*Watches movie producers puff pot*


Don't call the cops or there goes the movie buisness...


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