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Giovanni Gale

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wow ur good i'm running out of excuses....*thinks really hard*


and what if I lied to you about the telephone provided??? like maybe we have Bell Atlantic...

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yea i'm pretty bored aswell, these forums are pretty much dead on sundays....and no never watched benchwarmers...but I'm a big TV person (its a movie right?)

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YAY anime changed her display name (I bet you were forced??)


Here is my reasoning:


1. All (most) of the staff names have changed BUT Ian, so I'm guessing hes going around changing them, and his will be last)

2. Eric is sleeping right now, becuase about 7 hours ago he said on the shoutbox he was going to sleep. So he is still sleeping and his "magicly changed"

3. Well, what do you think???

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No. I wanted to. Eric is back on. I think. And Mini helped me come up with it. xD


A likely story :P


Metroid: The frist movie was enough, and now there are 2 more, so its TO MUCH.

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A likely story :P


Metroid: The frist movie was enough, and now there are 2 more, so its TO MUCH.



There was only one previous movie based on the book. The other movie was a sequel to it. So really, there are only two Charlotte's Web movies. Also, almost every movie has a remake of it sooner or later. Such as Casino Royale, The Grinch That Stole Christmas, etc. So no, it isn't too much. It's enough. :yes:

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It's only because the movie industry are too lazy to get out of the Ferrari showrooms and actually script some new,decent movies. All they do nowadays is remake or copy older movies.Showbiz really sucks,doesn't it.

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but confuc hope thats not insulting, Rocky 6, Indiana Jones: new one and the transformers movie, because they are my top 3 movies coming out soon


Yea but they are old, and we want new "action movies" all the new movies now a days are so badly written.

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Speaking of Charlotte's Web....*shudders* I hate Dakota Fannings.....she is a horrible brat....she screamed way too much in War of the Worlds....

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