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Giovanni Gale

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Oh yes, I vaguely remember that. And I feel really old saying this, but I remember pagers. :P I never had one, but mum did, and it fascinated me so. I was pretty little at the time, and I honestly don't at all remember how they worked.

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My dad always had a pager for work. (They took it away. Now he has a cell phone that does everything.)


I had a pager in HS. (That was before HS kids had cell phones.) So my mom could send a code page, to let me know whether to take the bus home, or that she was going to pick me up. I still have it. It was this cute little pearled blue thing, with a clear slip in holder. I loved it. :laughingsmiley:

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Haha, I'd love to see a picture of it some time. :laughingsmiley: I've always found the technology of previous generations more interesting than the technology of my own. For example, one of my favorite possessions is a typewriter.

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When I come across it again (it's packed in a box somewhere), I'll get a picture to show you.


My favorite technology thing, is the USB flash drives. That's the thing I've seen change the most in my life. When my dad wanted to get a 2GB one for work, it was nearly credit card sized, and it cost over $120.


I just got a 4GB one, for $12, that's about 1 inch long. It fits in a section of the pill case in my purse.

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I had no idea USBs were ever that big. 0_0 By the time I knew they existed, they were little.


You know what I have yet to see that I REALLY want to see? A floppy floppy disk. I've seen (and actually used for quite a while) the un-floppy ones, but I really want to see a floppy floppy disk.

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We had the floppy, floppy disks in grade school, to play Oregon Trail. That's the only time I've ever seen them.


That reminds me, my first computer (not counting the one my grandpa built me) was "Super Floppy" capable. They thought that was the way technology was going. (It was the same size as a regular floppy, but it had a lot more storage space. Then CDs became popular. Then flash drives.

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I actually played Oregon Trail (via CD) in elementary. It was a class favorite because everyone at the table could have an input. xD


Just wait. In a few years we'll all have some sort of chip in our thumb and all our files will be stored there.

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We had the floppy, floppy disks in grade school, to play Oregon Trail. That's the only time I've ever seen them.


That reminds me, my first computer (not counting the one my grandpa built me) was "Super Floppy" capable. They thought that was the way technology was going. (It was the same size as a regular floppy, but it had a lot more storage space. Then CDs became popular. Then flash drives.



Exactly! I had to use floppys for school assignments up to early high school. And of course there was Oregon Trail. That's the best reason to have a floppy. :yes:


I remember when flash drives were big and expensive too. It still amazes me how cheap high amounts of memory are now.

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I remember CD's being the new floppy, but to me it was a lot harder than using a floppy disc. The only reason I stopped using floppies is because of computers losing floppy compatibility.


I have the Oregon Trail somewhere around here....I never played it.

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I remember CD's being the new floppy, but to me it was a lot harder than using a floppy disc. The only reason I stopped using floppies is because of computers losing floppy compatibility.

Precisely. And I was tired of explaining to my friends what a floppy disk was.


I remember when having something on DVD was all new and fancy.

Friend 1: Hey guys, let's all watch Harry Potter! I have it on VHS!

Friend 2: Well I have it on DVD!

Everyone: Ooh, let's go to Friend 2's house!

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Haha I have a whole box full of floppy disks. They're my dad's, but they haven't been touched for a while.


I never actually had any use for that kind of stuff until recently. I've just been using flash drives for the past 2 years or so.

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I have a couple boxes of floppies. Some have Disney characters, the others are see-through neon colors.


I only use flash drives. I think I have 5. 4 regular, one in a pen, one in a keychain. So... 6. I'm addicted to them. Plus, my manager is going to try to get our company to supply us with one.

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That's a very strange addiction, Spritzie. :P Though I suppose it could be worse. You could be addicted to high-priced brand name purses. Or telephone directories. Or anagrams.


I had a box of rainbow-colored floppies. I had them color coded for function. Blue floppies had pictures. Orange floppies were for powerpoints.

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I know. :laughingsmiley: But they're useful! I keep one in my purse at all times. (The 4GB 1 inch one.)


I did the same thing Livvy! I had different colors for different uses! :laughingsmiley: I would have thought I was the only one to do that.

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Yeah I have a 4GB flash drive too. I actually just got a new one a couple weeks ago on sale for $10, which was nice. I'd lost my first one.


Personally, I want to have something like a 500GB external hard-drive. I haven't needed to transport more than 4GB of stuff anywhere, but I might want some extra space in case I run out.

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So I was just ambushed by two little girls(7 and 11 years old) who assaulted me with water balloons as soon as I opened my door. o.o


-has nothing to say about the computer talk-


So how has everyones day been so far? ^^

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-Also hides water balloons- and this certainly isn't a twisted plot to get you to reveal that you have water balloons as well so I can have a just reason to wage a water balloon war against you.


Good to hear. ^^

Are you moving out of state? :O

And aw, this dosen't mean you won't have internet connection for a while, does it? Dx

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I have no idea what you are talking about....


Nope. Just across town to be closer to work. I'm tired of driving 30 minutes to and from work.


I don't have internet at home as it is. I'm online at work, or when I'm off work, we go to Panera Bread daily to use the internet. (That's actually where I am now.) But I won't be on as much until we get to the new place.

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*takes the water balloons Spritzie clearly doesn't have and hides them under the snack table for her* Psh, she doesn't have water balloons, Ryan. What are you talking about?


My day has been... meh. It was pretty alright, and rehearsal had our director in hysterics, so that was fun. But my stomach is still all wonky. I think I know what's wrong though. I have AP Calculus homework and a surprising amount of AP Physics homework tonight. I enjoy AP Phys though. I think I'll start working on that now. ^_^

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