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Giovanni Gale

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I don't have the best friends :P Out of my best of friends, I don't think any of them will go to a 4 year university, and of the ones that will, they aren't in my grade level.


*high fives Will*

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Oh, no, I meant they were roommates first then became my friend.


It's cool for me, since I hate introducing myself. Having a roommate forces me to do that.


And yay for the high five :D

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Have you guys completely forgotten that awesome = laura? Silly boys. ;)


I'm totally looking forward to meeting my roommate. The way I see it, three things can happen:

a] She'll be super-laura and I'll get along great with her.

b] We won't really hit it off because she's one of those quiet girls who never talks and keeps to her side of the tape line she made, but at least I'll still be able to concentrate in the room.

c] We won't really hit it off because she's a loud and obnoxious party girl who will likely be out of the room most evenings partying, so at least I'll still be able to concentrate in the room.


Also, rooming with a best friend is usually a bad idea. Either you don't branch out or you end up hating her. Or him, as the case may be.

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I would actually prefer A or B. With B I could at least count on half of the dorm to be obsessively clean. C would probably be messy, and loud people bother me. But as long as C didn't bring any guys home, I'd be okay.

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*twitches* Ugh, that would be weird. *shudders* I have nothing against alternate lifestyles, but it gets a little weird when they start affecting you. Most gays I know are understanding about it though. They won't flirt with someone who isn't wired the same way.


Other than that though, I can probably put up with whomever they assign me.

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I would be scared to have a roommate. Because of what'd they think of me.


Especially if it's a TDN member. I'd pass out.


There's always the bad roommate. If you don't have a bad roommate, then you're the bad roommate :P


A Dane Cook quote/idea.


Ahh Dane Cook. The reason why we made "lol".

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Well, honestly, if my roommate were to flirt with me, I'd assume it was a joke and go along with it. Seeing as that's how my friends and I act.

That's actually a good point. Hm. I'd have to make sure they weren't serious though.


Ooh, speaking of which, I have a pretend lesbian lover! :P We were at the beach, walking along the boardwalk, and we were joking about how she doesn't love me. (Sister kind of love.) When I finally got her to admit that she did, we hugged, but it wasn't like a "Yay friends!" hug, it was more of a "I hug you routinely, my dear" kind of hug. A few minutes later Nonik (that's her nickname) stopped and said, "You know, anyone who saw that probably thinks we're gay." Me: "...Yeah, they probably do... [loudly] I love you, darling!"

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Oh, dear. No one's on right now, but I just thought I'd pop in to say 'hello'. It's been a week, after all. I went away (again), I'm sorry. :)

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I have hundreds of thousands of lesbians involvements. I'm just cool like dat. [insert sunglasses smiley here]


I've never had an involvment with anyone that was homosexual, nor have I even met one. Although one guy acted like one in 8th grade.


Oh, dear. No one's on right now, but I just thought I'd pop in to say 'hello'. It's been a week, after all. I went away (again), I'm sorry. :)


I'm online now.

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I've never had an involvment with anyone that was homosexual, nor have I even met one. Although one guy acted like one in 8th grade.



does someone act gay.

The only thing I can think of is the stereotypical interpretation of how someone who is gay should act. :-s

But that wouldn't make sense, because gay is not a personality.

Every single person is different, regardless of their preferences.

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Well, honestly, if my roommate were to flirt with me, I'd assume it was a joke and go along with it. Seeing as that's how my friends and I act.


This...is how me and my friends act. XD I meant really flirting though :P



does someone act gay.

The only thing I can think of is the stereotypical interpretation of how someone who is gay should act. :-s

But that wouldn't make sense, because gay is not a personality.

Every single person is different, regardless of their preferences.


What she said.


I have no problem with someone being gay or bi, but I just wouldn't want them to come at me with serious intentions, that's where I'd have to draw the line. In fact, I have 3 openly gay male friends.

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does someone act gay.

The only thing I can think of is the stereotypical interpretation of how someone who is gay should act. :-s

But that wouldn't make sense, because gay is not a personality.

Every single person is different, regardless of their preferences.


I'd say the stereotypical interpretation. That's how he acted.


But a lot of times he would also shows signs of hitting on guys, and girls. So I think he may actually have been bisexual.

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I don't have the best friends :P Out of my best of friends, I don't think any of them will go to a 4 year university, and of the ones that will, they aren't in my grade level.


*high fives Will*

Thats the best why reall that why all your frends are equall to all your other frends you hang with. it stinks they wount go to a univerty thou

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It appears that people weren't around much today, as I post then go to bed more than likely, this will not contribute much to further conversation but it was gross and rainy all day. I did laundry then advertised a bit for the BC entries. *points as siggy*

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Ah right, school started for you, huh?


I haven't really done anything today. I woke up, thought I was gonna hang out with a friend, but she never showed up (which is strange because she's the one who wanted to hang out with me). Other than that, I wrote a short bio about Bach and then had my piano lesson. Rather uneventful if you ask me :P

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