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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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right... you got accepted back into the pwnful club!

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Same here! And I call a page pwn!!! What Now?!?!?

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Still, I am as pwnful as a non-member can get. :yes:

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Super yayness! XD Bow down to me, every one that isn't a staffer and has less posts than me! :king:

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*throws the announcer from a few pages ago at Cheese Queen* *throws dung meepit at Cheese Queen*

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*finds announcer on floor* :O It's the ebil announcer!


Ebil announcer: Everyone, you're about to encounter the greatest fight of your life. In this strip of footage, you will see various items being thrown, including dung meepits, globs of cheese, and yours truly.


Gah! :O

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That already happened! wait... *throws a dung meepit at the ebil announcer*

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Sorry. *helps anime interrogate the meepit*

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*tackles Cheesie* ALERT YOU ARE EVIL! *gets tipem to call an exterminator*

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*eats chocolate meepit* Evil tastes good.

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*uses lab ray on morgan* You just turned into a Biscuit Ruki!


Me: Cheese Queen...you look tasty...

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*bites cheese queen* You know what? I'm going to dip you in milk! Nummy!

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*pours water on them* hmm...I'm not going to eat you, with not being a cookie and all.

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