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Giovanni Gale

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I'm going to two parties in the next week with - no wait, never mind. I was thinking white elephant, not secret santa.

*carry on*

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well, 250+ pages. All things must come to an end sometime. Just as long as I have somewhere where I can creep people out by being completely random, I don't mind.

I've been writing papers too long, I was typing this and thinking of how I could use big words and long phrases to lengthen it...

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What Salmonella? Well i havent ate it in a while so im not that addicted to it. im addicted to... ICE CAPPICINO - Tim Hortons ..


MOP u 've had that before right?

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Oh opsy my bad lol. Time Hortons has alot of stores built all over Canada.. well around the eastern side i guess.


anypoo anyone watch Casino Royal 007?

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How would you feel if you were Taco Bell, you just got a shipment of greens for your food. All seems normal, nothing strange. One week later, everyone is blaming you for selling them bad food. It isn't your fault, it is the supplier's fault for not checking the food like they are supposed to do before a shipment!

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Taco Bell, this is in my state where they are all shut down :( very sad...anyway, yea like trace said its not really taco bells fault, its the supplier's

Also its not taco bells job to test their food for stuff, they probably signed a contract with their supplier saything that you provide us with clean food blah blah and stuff like that, who knows

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