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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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It deletes each post 24 hours from it's posting point for everyone. It's not like Spritzie has any unfair advantage, hers are being deleted at the same rate.


I know, but I didn't post anything at 3 AM yesterday. I didn't post until 9 AM. So it hasn't been 24 hours since my first post today.

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CAV, its being fair to everyone, its impossible for a forum to discriminate. Stop complaining, at least you went over 200.


Ms. Livvy if you can create a viable topic to change to it will be put up for consideration amongst your peers.

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Anything other than numbers and conspiracies. Or, if the class likes conspiracies, how about conspiracies as a general topic? Conspiracy theories can be interesting. :yes:


(Though, to be honest, I really need to sleep.)

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Well how about we talk about....this:


If you could be any animal, what would you be?


I think I'd be a narwhal or an Orca. They've both always been cool. :P

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Tyler, the forum background color IS white. :mellow: Or am I blind?


Anisha, I've said this before. The forum is a shade of blue. When you post in white, you can actually read it. When I post the same exact shade blue as the forum, it is invisible until you highlight it.

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I don't quite understand the whole color thing...It looks white to me. Then again, I am colorblind. I was the only girl in my class that was. *sigh* OOH. I would definetly go for a narwhal. Or a unicorn. Or a dragon. I think I look like a penguin though.


edit: alright, Tyler. that's weird. I didn't even see your post. 0.o

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it's a different shade of white

I would be a penguin xD

edit: it's blue Link? didn't know that


In my opinion being on a slip n' slide is as fun as being a penguin. XD


Yup. It's a shade of blue so light that it's almost white.


domino: I meant a real animal, but being a dragon would be awesome :woot:

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Huh. I guess it is blue. Weirdddd. o_O I am colorblind though. It's kind of sad.


AND. I LOVE SLIP N SLIDES. I wanna be a penguin. Minus the fact that they can't fly. :grrr:


edit: Noog...dragons ARE real....I have no idea what you're talking about.

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