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The most fun part is discussing school with my dad. I just mention Taylor and Maclaurin series(calculus 2, which I have a test in at 10 tomorrow) or recursion and iteration(Java, which I have a test in at 9 tomorrow) and he knows just to look attentive, nod every so often, and venture an affirmative when prompted.

...was that last part geek? I don't know anymore...


No, that was more nerd... I just like big words from reading. I don't start dicussions unless prompted. Just random mentionings.


yeah, every so often my dad likes an update. He's paying for some of this, after all.


Well I was gone for the weekend. What did I miss, besides the SS and advent calendar prizes, which I just purchased.


Guess whose birthday is coming up :whistle: WAzaaaaaaaaaabiii


Mine! Mine Burfday is coming up in a couple of 9 months!


Mine is on May 21st! *Counters explosion with a nuclear inferno."


*Creates a black hole and absorbs Metroid and Anime.*

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