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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Lol. Yep, that's us. lol. And if you look on the BBC news page somewhere, there are pictures, and more info on it. And I am seriously hoping that it didn't look like that. I might not be alive if it did. The whole village would be dead...

Anyway I'm leaving the board for now. My brother wants to go on the computer...

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I doubt a twister can get up to F3 in Europe. Maybe just barely going over F2, but I seriously doubt F3.


I sleep through twisters all the time, they don't bother me.


Quick quiz, winner gets a random item out of my inventory.

In what direction do tornadoes, in the United States, usually go?

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There was this one tornado that went over our house once. (It hadn't touched down yet) The sky was a green color. I read a Harry Potter book on the couch the whole time.

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Twister is the same thing as a tornado, it is just another way to say it.

Metroid got it right, I will send him something now.


Fantastic member extras...

I also got the special ability to change my topic titles and descriptions... o_O

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