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Giovanni Gale

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Banned for laughing. :laughingsmiley:


Next year, wont they be releasing a Desert PB?


EDIT: Post lag. Grrr. And I know, Spritzie! Some people are just insane!

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Yes! And I want that LD pb so bad! Seeing as i'm terrible at saving i'll have to do what I do best, get prize points in the AC. b)



Oh! So thats the REAL reason everyone wants FL to win! :P

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Neopets on the Off-Topic Board? Now really.


Also, late congrats to Div for reaching FM-dom. :D Like Spritzie said, nothing much special happens. Unless you consider super powers and secret discussions to be special. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Hissi = <3


-Reads BD chat-

Hm, I didn't know you could drop the F-bomb on Neo. I thought the boards filtered it... o.o'


FL FTW! Guess where i'd go if DC ws ever kicked out. xD

Lulz the DCer love the idea of me in a pink and purple jersey. :P



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I only really like Desert Hissis though. :)


Really?! That is sooo weird! Silly TNT. :D


Ahhhh Faerieland. I like Faeries. I wanna be a Faerie! Just kidding.

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Tsk tsk. Well, when in Neopia...


I doubt Faerieland will win any time soon. It's one of those "ooh, pretty" lands that a lot of newbies will join because it looks nice. It's kind of plagued by its beauty.


I'm curious as to what will happen with LD now. We've won, so that'll get freeloaders. But we've never been under 5th place, so there are definitely some dedicated players on the team. It should be interesting.


EDIT: 'night, Ani!

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I'm curious as to what will happen with LD now. We've won, so that'll get freeloaders. But we've never been under 5th place, so there are definitely some dedicated players on the team. It should be interesting.

I don't mean this in an offensive way, but that's what KI and RI said and look what happened to them... -shrug-



I wanna see FL an KL rally and shoot for top tier but that'll be many years away. :(

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Oh, I can't wait to fight MQ in the finals next year. It's gonna be KD, MQ, DC, and KI all fighting it out in the end but I imagine RI will put up a fight against KD for 4th place in the round robin. :yes:


Sorry, but my AC fanatic mode just got restarted. :P

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