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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah, HOP is a forum topic. How could you ever imagine how it would look like? Confused. :S


There's different ways to view it. Like, thinking of the members that post, how different they are. The topics, how different they are. How things are always changing on the HOP. Then you just use your imagination.


Well, when I said the jenga block thing I pictured every post as one block. -shrug-


That makes sense to me. Also, representing the members, posts, topics. :)

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I am very good in case of imagination. :king: Like, before viewing her real photo, I had already guessed that Spritzie is blonde. b)


:laughingsmiley: That better not have been because you thought I acted like one. <_<

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:laughingsmiley: That better not have been because you thought I acted like one. <_<

Hey! :laughingsmiley: No, I didn't imagine you like that.


I personally ADORE blonde hair. They are simply gorgeous. I wish I was one. But bleh, no blonde for Asians. :(


I'm good with imagination as well and I usually have a mental image of everything. ^^

How did you imagine me, before you saw my pic? :O

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Didn't I post somewhere how I pictured you? I'll have to go find that quote...


Actually, I was pretty close with how I pictured you, compared to the pic. That's a first. :O

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Didn't I post somewhere how I pictured you? I'll have to go find that quote...


Actually, I was pretty close with how I pictured you, compared to the pic. That's a first. :O

:O I remember now.


And, I was close enough too. b) I am always good at imagining people.

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Because i've always thought of i as complex.


And no, it would have a variety of blue, greys, it would have black, and there would be white. And come to think of it, it may look more like a constantly shifting jenga blocks game but the peices get moved instead of taken out of the game.

Er... -reads what I just wrote- o.o I imagne that's kinda hard to picture. :P



I like your visualization a lot! It's pretty awesome, and it makes sense like Spritzie said because it's always changing.

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Anisha, Jenga is that game you pile the little wood pieces into a tower. (Basically.) And I see HOP as being built and added to by each member and each post. So each post, is kind of like a block being added to the tower that is HOP.

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Heh, er thank-you. blush02.gif


This is getting confusing. I'm pausing my game, refershing, going back, and I keep doing this but I keep doing stuff like forgetting to pause, not refreshing and then going back, ect. Bleh. Dx

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I know! I thought that was such an awesome way to look at it. I can completely see it in my mind now.

I can see it too. ^_^ This is amazing.


Heh, er thank-you. blush02.gif


This is getting confusing. I'm pausing my game, refershing, going back, and I keep doing this but I keep doing stuff like forgetting to pause, not refreshing and then going back, ect. Bleh. Dx

You are welcome. ^_^


What game are you playing anyway? :O

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I like thinking about things in cool ways because when i'm here I have an awsome image in my head. :)





Star Wars Battlefront 2. I recently got obsessed with this game, even though I like the first version better. :O

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I understand. Sometimes the lack of sanity is overwhelming in here. Or maybe it's just because the crew that mastered the art has gone. :sad01_anim:


I'm sure you've been asked before, Spritzie, but what kind of work do you do? Obviously something with access to computers.

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