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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Every 4th of july theres a party at a relatives house and they fill garbage cans with water balloons but at the end some always pop on the inside so they pour it on someones head. xD

Ahh! -Is now wet- Divya! tongue.gif -pelts with water balloons-



Yeah, we're still chatting. -shrug-

-Throws pink water balloon at Tyler- Pink = PWN. b)

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Ohnoez! xD

-Returns fire with a hose at Divya- b)



Tyler PWNed me. T-T

-Urge to go water-bender on Tyler- Avatar ftw! :O



All the cool kids love pink. :P



Um, eaten by rats? xD

What happened there? o.o

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Spritzie, they’re getting to be a bad influence on you. Where hast thine sanity gone?


Naps. Naps are amazing. I love them.


Oh my gosh. All the plotting. I give up on reading all this.


Yes, they are most definitely a bad influence on me. Or maybe I was just over worked, and sleep-deprived. I think that's a likely reason too.

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Ahhhhh that water balloon felt great Anisha! Thanks. Right now it is 105 outside and climbing. :S SOMEBODY HELP ME FROM THE HEAT!!!

:laughingsmiley: I know right? I wish I could get a water balloon too. :O


Anyway, *yawn* what's going on guys? It's 5:00 am here. I can't believe I woke up so early. x_x

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Because i've always thought of i as complex.


And no, it would have a variety of blue, greys, it would have black, and there would be white. And come to think of it, it may look more like a constantly shifting jenga blocks game but the peices get moved instead of taken out of the game.

Er... -reads what I just wrote- o.o I imagne that's kinda hard to picture. :P

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My laptop is lagging so bad. It took me 30 seconds to read Spritzies post from when I clicked the HOP thread...

And another 45 for the quick reply box to open... Dx



Yay! xD

And I agree. ^^

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I hate when that happens. My work computer will randomly throw little hissy fits, and I'll have to close my browser completely, and start over. <_<


The Rubix Cube was a good one too. I like both ideas.

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