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Giovanni Gale

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We were trying to bring it around to water balloons, and possibly hurling water balloons out of second story windows, but it kind of died.





I wish I had a second story window to hurl water balloons.




And climb down trees. :yes:

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Whoa, that water balloon smiley is the coolest thing ever!!!




well, maybe not ever...

I knoooww! I love this smiley so much. Isn't he cute? :laughingsmiley:


Or is it? :O


That is the cutest smiley ever! Love it Anisha!!!

You know, I have a tons of awesome smilies! :O I will show them in our PM.


That smiley is epic win Anisha. Where'd ya get it?

Where? That's a top secret. b)

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I love those epic smilies too.


Of course, the best smile is... mine. :P


However, the water balloons sound really good right now seeing as it's currently 96'F.

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I’m not making Indians villains! The setting just happens to be in India!


*glares at everyone* *is glared at* Aww. :(


The day you asked, I shingled a roof. :D Today, I rode home from shingling said roof.


Spritzie, they’re getting to be a bad influence on you. Where hast thine sanity gone?


Naps. Naps are amazing. I love them.


Heat? Try 105 F on a black roof. Ugh!


*imagines a Ryansicle*


Oh my gosh. All the plotting. I give up on reading all this.


*is waterballooned* :O Yay water! =D

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Getting water-ballooned would be awesome right now!


And no way am I getting on a hot roof like that. I have no idea how the construction workers work here in the summer. o_O

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-Sprays Divya with a hose- Does that work? -goes to spray Tyler-


Lulz, me and my friends take this plasticy paper thing and put it on the driveway then turn the hose on it and slide on really hot days. xD

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*gets sprayed* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I is feeling much better now! :D


That sounds so fun! My neighbors have something JUST like that that they bought. Except you end in a puddle of mud. :laughingsmiley:

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TDN should really install some fire hydrants or something around here...


Mud? Sounds fun. xD

It is, and our way is free, but there were pebbles everywhere that ripped it and I have cuts all over my arms. xD



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Once I saw a bunch of kids running around a NOT spurting fire hydrant. What it wrong with them? :laughingsmiley:


I love mud. End of story. :D


Ouch! That sounds painful!


EDIT: Liz - Yup! And thats the whole point. We fill up the end with mud and do mudslides so it doesnt matter if we get dirty!

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It's like a slip n slide but we made ours from packaging for a new TV. b)


Maybe they... I have no idea what they were doing actually. xD




-Gets garbage cans filled with water balloons and throws one at Tyler-

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Neither do I. Kids these days! :rolleyes_anim:


WATER BALLOON FIGHT! *grabs Ryan's garbage can and fills it with water and dumps it on Ryan* Heh. :P

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