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Giovanni Gale

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Hahaha smart little CAV. I think Anisha is starting to notice something though.... :whistle:


Wow, very precise! Haha. I just like the temperature of early fall and late spring but I get HUGE allergies.

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I bet that I could live almost anywhere because PA is so diverse weather wise! Sometimes that is a good thing, but not when it is extreme!


EDIT: Ryan, dont be afraid to say it! SMARTICLES!!!! :laughingsmiley:

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I dun like extreme cold. T-T


I don't either, unless it's snowing. But I can survive the cold. Come to NY in January. Let's see if you make it for a week.


We have diverse too, but we get extreme too many times. Way too cold in January, way too hot in August. Stupid global warming.

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Dont insult the global warming! It means goin to da beach all year round! b)


Well you shoulda said it! Now say it! SMARTICLES! SmarticleNESS! Smarticleness!


EDIT: CAV, I kinda wanted to joke about it but I knew he would get mad. So I didnt! But I did kinda think it...:P

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Waddya mean that you arent the only one??? *glances at CAV* :laughingsmiley:


C'mon, you know you want to! It is SUCH a fun word! Here is what my sister does: She says - SMARTICLES! - And then points to her head and goes - LIGHTBULB! - *does that* SMARTICLES! LIGHTBULB!

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Fine. Lets change the subject to...? Oy, I give up on you and smarticless. *humph*


CAV - That video scared me! I is gonna dieeeeeee! *looks around expecting flood and poison and hurricanes and pollution*

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I miss soda cans. I'm gonna be so glad when I go home tonight. ^^ My poor laptop misses me, and when I get it back that means I can stay up all night working on projects and stuff on the computer. smile_anim.gif



CAV, don't you dare. <.<

That was creepy as h---! T-T

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Diet rootbeer = Love. wub_anim.gif


I can't work on quote projects at TDN while i'm at this computer. No privacy from my grandparents when i'm looking through discussions. Dx



Suicide. o.o

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CAV - Please dont scare me!!!! :laughingsmiley:


Ryan - LOVE DIET ROOTBEER! I actually dont like reg rootbeer. It is too sweet. And lol! Silly grannies. :P

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