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Giovanni Gale

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That must be horrible! It is so nice to get up and stretch your legs as you walk from class to class.


And the Air Faerie wants me to get her Pretzel Compact. Could you guys help me?

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Boy-Girl Gym classes? Ah memories. Once I got into high school, they stopped those. Our high school has separate Gyms for Boys and Girls.


You know what I hate? Left handed desks <_<

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Lulz, you have a boys and girls gym class? The only time they put our classes together is on the running track and we're usually leaving when they come out.

Something about they don't want us to get distracted. whistle.gif



Wow, really? I couldn't stand that. Sorry Anisha. Dx

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Believe me, all of the boys ARE distracted, with all of the girls RUNNING around! UGH!


HATE left handed desks! One of my teachers is left handed so all of her desks are lefted handed. <_<


Thanks Anisha! BUT THANK YOU VL!!!

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lol, our middle school wasn't on a wide lot, so it was really long lengthways. My last year there I had band on one side of the school, and gym the next block on the complete other end. They were the furthest apart, and I had 2 minutes to get there. Was I late? Sometimes. Did the coach get mad? Yes.


No Problem Divya :)

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Thanks again! Ugh she made my NON BD pet faster. <_< But its ok. :yes:


My school is on a small lot so it 3 stories tall. LOTS of running up and down stairs!

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I have to slap my friend Joe and tell him to stop staring when they start doing jumping-jacks. Dx


Left hand desk = Extremely annoying. Dx



Heh, I can come into gym class as late as I want so long as I get there and change into gym clothes before everyone leaves. I love my coach, he's saved me from detention so many times. xD

"What? I was in the library!"

"For 20 minutes after the bell?"

"It was a good book!"

"Ugh. Fine..."

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My school is HUGE!! x_x It takes forever to walk from one class to other. And our cheerleading place is two building pass my class. Wonder how I have to walk back and forth all the time. <_<

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My school is failry small... Just three buidlings in a big triangle shape. xD


And i'm sooo glad most of the schools in the district are designed the same way. That way when i'm at chess tournaments(NERDS FTW!) I don't get lost. xD

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Well because of how narrow our school was, I would say that the band room and the gym were about 2 blocks apart. The lot was only the width of a large house, so it was basically one building behind another o_O


My MS was about 500 people (the MS splits up into about 4 HS.) and my HS has about 1000. Our high school could be bigger, but they'd rather make the district limit and shove 36 people in each class. :/ Then there's gym which my classes (mine were the biggest in YEARS because of complications) which were 50-70.

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Oof all of these big schools sound horrible! My school is split in two, one half on one side of the football field and the other on the other side. :sad01_anim: Ughhhh I am constantly running 100 yards!

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Yes, yes I am. And the HS is HUGE!! I mean GIGANTIC! Roughly 5 buildings all 3 floors across football/baseball/soccer fields.




LOL Anisha!

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There's multiple Divya's? Aaaaahh!!! -hides-

Too much smartness! Dx


The HS i'm going too looks way too big... Dx

I've only been inside twice which was too watch orchestra concerts(Sooooo boring but I had to go)and the concert room thing alone was bigger than one of the JH buildings. :P

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Has anyone else in here taken an official IQ test anytime lately? I seriously would love to know if anyone is smarter than me :eh:


Mine was about 145 on my last one. I want to say 148, but those numbers aren't that really far so it doesn't matter.


Auditoriums are not nice. :sad01_anim: I once banged my head in my auditorium stage. You guys have no idea how much that hurts.


Try running full speed and then getting clotheslined in the forehead by a metal rod. Then come back to me about hitting your head.

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Lulz, the one I was at was huge too. I mean, just wow, you could land a plane in that place! :O

It's also very hard to notice someone in there thought as I found out. :P


Ouch, i'm sorry Anisha. Dx

Erm, how did you do that, exactly? o.o



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