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Giovanni Gale

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I don't call places fail.


SunnyNeo, TDN and JellyNeo are all good report sites. However TDN wins because:


1. SunnyNeo doesn't have a Forum.

2. JellyNeo has a forum, but it's really messy.

3. TDN's forum is clean and organized. And I actually know the people here.

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I don't think that any of us help sites "fail", I mean, as long as we're helping at least one person it's impossible to fail at being a help site.

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My dad's here. And so is my brother. And I hear them like everywhere I swear I am haunted by a creepy ghost. I say that because:


My door shuts randomly

The front door shuts randomly

Stuff disappears from where I knew it was, and then I find it a day later


...Whew, the noises stopped :)

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Don't worry, I'm sure it's either the wind, the house creaking, someone in your family or just imagination.

Or a squirrel! My friend's grandmother heard noises in the wall for weeks and later found out that a squirrel was living in there. O___O

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Haha, don't tell Ryan that she HATES squirrels. She's the nicest little old lady ever, but when she talks about squirrels a demon inside her is ENRAGED. (It's pretty hysterical actually.)

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I don't believe in haunted places. My cousins are terrified of their own basement; they swears that our grandfather's ghost is down there.

So every time I'm over and they need something from the basement they send me down, haha. It's stinky and musty down there, but no ghosts!

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@quark - Aw. :laughingsmiley: Grandfather's ghost would be nice, why are they scared?


I don't really believe in ghosts, just I want hard to see one. *has read many ghost investigation books* :nerd:

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@quark - Aw. :laughingsmiley: Grandfather's ghost would be nice, why are they scared?

Well, he wasn't the nicest guy so I've heard. (I wasn't born yet when he died. My OTHER grandfather would be nice to see again though, I miss him so much. :()

But true, I mean if he really was down there, maybe he's just doing laundry. Ironing and such. :P

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Welp, my grandpa just recently died, so maybe its him? :laughingsmiley:

:( Aw, I'm sorry. *hugs*

I lost my two grandparents around the same time, right before their 50th anniversary and mu graduation. I feel that they loved each other so much that one couldn't go on living without the other.

And then I watched Up and BAWLED and the beginning of that movie. But then Dug made up for all the sad parts, hah, he's such a cute character.

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If you dont believe in ghosts, stay a week in my room. Oh yeah, then you'd believe ;)

:laughingsmiley: I would love to. But hope your room is clean enough. I am a cleanness freak. :nerd:


Well, he wasn't the nicest guy so I've heard. (I wasn't born yet when he died. My OTHER grandfather would be nice to see again though, I miss him so much. :()

But true, I mean if he really was down there, maybe he's just doing laundry. Ironing and such. :P

Oh, all my grandparents all still alive. I am so lucky. ^_^

Doing laundry? :laughingsmiley: Well, very nice of him. I would give him my cloths, they are dirty currently. :P

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:( Aw, I'm sorry. *hugs*

I lost my two grandparents around the same time, right before their 50th anniversary and mu graduation. I feel that they loved each other so much that one couldn't go on living without the other.

And then I watched Up and BAWLED and the beginning of that movie. But then Dug made up for all the sad parts, hah, he's such a cute character.

Its cool *hugs back* The shock of it has hit and past. :)


:laughingsmiley: I would love to. But hope your room is clean enough. I am a cleanness freak. :nerd:

Erm.. Yeah nevermind :D


Oh, all my grandparents all still alive. I am so lucky. ^_^

Doing laundry? :laughingsmiley: Well, very nice of him. I would give him my cloths, they are dirty currently. :P

Erm.. Yeah nevermind :D


All I gots left are two grandma's. One 86 and the other bout to turn 76 (I think)


Ahhhh loud noise! :worried:

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