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Giovanni Gale

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VL - Me too! Cuz you know, I SKIPPED A GRADEE! AHHHHH!

Doc - Yes, yes it is!

Wemblinv- nah, I'd probably go to the mall. :P

Anisha - memories are awesome! But remember, you are still making them! 0:)

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EDIT: I'm from 94, but I still have the advantage of being older than Anisha :D

<_< And I absolutely dislike that.


I can't even go out of house alone. Mom. :rolleyes_anim:


EDIT: Yup Divya, I am making so many memories here. ^_^

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I can leave home alone, but my parents like to know where I'm going. If I lied where I was going to, I probably would lose that freedom.


I'm going to a concert Saturday at a place with not a lot of parking. Crowded parking lots = fail.


Skipping a grade actually hurts you in the long run, just ask RRG (or RIG, I'm not sure what he is). I could've skipped but I'd rather just get easy A's.

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I can leave home alone, but my parents like to know where I'm going. If I lied where I was going to, I probably would lose that freedom.


I'm going to a concert Saturday at a place with not a lot of parking. Crowded parking lots = fail.


Skipping a grade actually hurts you in the long run, just ask RRG (or RIG, I'm not sure what he is). I could've skipped but I'd rather just get easy A's.


I dont think it does because I go to school to learn not just get good grades. 0:) But also, I was really meant to be in 9th grade, but I started pre-school a year late.

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I go to school ... to hang out with friends. :laughingsmiley: Pfft, me = hates studying, loves bunking classes. :whistle:


Yahoo is watching me. :mellow: I don't like Yahoo.

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I dont think it does because I go to school to learn not just get good grades. 0:) But also, I was really meant to be in 9th grade, but I started pre-school a year late.


I was always the oldest in my grade. The cut-off for sending to K here was like, Sept 15th. (You could go at 5.) My sister's b-day is in the first couple days of Sept, so instead of sending her when she had just turned 5, they waited a year, and sent when she had just turned 6. So they did the same with me, that way we'd be apart. (We were never on the same playground. When I went to 1st, she moved to the big kid's playground. When I went to the big kid's, she went to middle school. When I went to middle school, she went to HS.)


So I turned 6, months before the cut off. So except in 8th, when there was a guy who'd flunked a time or two, I was always the oldest.

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-Painfully walks back in-

Me and my cousin rode our bikes down to the park. When heading back she pushed my bike over and ran so I had to go as fast as my bike could go to catch up and when turning into the driveway(I caught up btw) I slammed into a huge tree and knocked a few branches off because I couldn't turn in time. Somehow i'm barely bleeding. xDDD


Yahoo too now? Dx


Anisha! Bad! No bunking classes! xD


Aw, that sucks Spritzie. Dx

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-Painfully walks back in-

Me and my cousin rode our bikes down to the park. When heading back she pushed my bike over and ran so I had to go as fast as my bike could go to catch up and when turning into the driveway(I caught up btw) I slammed into a huge tree and knocked a few branches off because I couldn't turn in time. Somehow i'm barely bleeding. xDDD


Yahoo too now? Dx


Anisha! Bad! No bunking classes! xD


Aw, that sucks Spritzie. Dx


OUCH! Thats sounds awfully painful! Are you alright?

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Spritzie, you have a side account with underwater pets correct? Do you have any pets wearing water ish backgrounds I could take a peek at? This also extends to anyone else with a pet wearing a water background if you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.

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Yeah, i'm fine. It was so much fun! I kinda wanna try it again now... xD

Bleh, i'm bleeding on one of my fingers though. It's becoming difficult to remember not to type with that finger. <.<




Sorry, I don't have any waterish backgrounds but I think JN has a tool for that...

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-Painfully walks back in-

Me and my cousin rode our bikes down to the park. When heading back she pushed my bike over and ran so I had to go as fast as my bike could go to catch up and when turning into the driveway(I caught up btw) I slammed into a huge tree and knocked a few branches off because I couldn't turn in time. Somehow i'm barely bleeding. xDDD

Shouldn't you be more careful in street. You scare me all the time. How bad is the bleeding? :guiltysmiley:


P.S. I know some water back grounds. Back in a minute. I will send you a PM Wembly. :yes:

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Yeah, i'm fine. It was so much fun! I kinda wanna try it again now... xD

Bleh, i'm bleeding on one of my fingers though. It's becoming difficult to remember not to type with that finger. <.<


You wanna ram into a tree again? o_O


I hate that! Especially on my index finger cuz that is the most important finger for typing!

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I know jellyneo has an item database, but I need to find a pet wearing a water background so I can find the image location to the larger image because I want to use it to make another image from and their pictures are too tiny.

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Spritzie, you have a side account with underwater pets correct? Do you have any pets wearing water ish backgrounds I could take a peek at? This also extends to anyone else with a pet wearing a water background if you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.


I do have a side account with the water pets, but none of them have water backgrounds yet. They have the Blue Star BG right now. I've been trying to find cheaper NP water BGs and haven't had any luck. I'm sorry.

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Shouldn't you be more careful in street. You scare me all the time. How bad is the bleeding? guiltysmiley.gif

There weren't any cars coming, and if there were I was gong faster. whistle.gif

Sorry, and oh not bad. Just a cut here and there. xD


@Divya, kinda, but not anymore if it makes Anisha like that. tongue.gif

Although it was kinda fun... whistle.gif


Yeah, that sucks. And that's where it is only not directly on the tip. Thankfully I can type with all my fingers. smile_anim.gif



OH WAIT! I know somewhere has a thing that let's you see what pets look like when wearing something. It might be sunnyneo...



Some people have epic pets on their side accounts. I have plain pets with important petpages and investments incase i'm ever frozen on my main. xD

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I do have a side account with the water pets, but none of them have water backgrounds yet. They have the Blue Star BG right now. I've been trying to find cheaper NP water BGs and haven't had any luck. I'm sorry.

You should have told me earlier! I had a water background, but sold it. Meh, I would have loved to give it to you. :( Wait, I might have some more ... let me check.

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Hm. -Tries to revive-

Anisha you killed it. T-T (Jk. :P)


Bleh! Some random dude keeps calling my cell and when I answer I get no response so he keeps filling up my voicemail box when I just ignore it! Dx

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Hm. -Tries to revive-

Anisha you killed it. T-T (Jk. :P)

<_< No, I didn't.


But you guys could talk about anything. This is HOP, it can never die.


P.S. I am off to sleep in 2 minutes.

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