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Giovanni Gale

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here's the family tree of search engines

blue line=spouse of

green line=child of

red line=sibling of


| |

MSN Lycos


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*pssssh* ...Google has captured me Ryan... help... she's tied me to a chair in a single room lined everywhere with tile... *pssssh* over

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-Sings James bond spy theme and sneaks into Googles lair- Okay, now how do I defeat a mastermind such as this? -Sneaks up behind google and hits her in the head with a briefcase... repeatedly- K, let's go Doc!

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Im right behind you! -runs towards door after Ryan- -hits head on bar hanging from ceiling in front of door- ugggggggghhhhh... o-ouch :crying:

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-Drags Doc outside and into the cat-copter- I was thinking about switching to an ROFLcopter but naaaah. Anyway. -Flies off towards the sunset- Ohwait, wrong movie... -flies off towards a super tall sky-scraper-

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-comes to- what tha? -freaks out over fear of heights- -grabs parachute and 'chutes down to a small park- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :woot:

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-pulls 'chute- grab my hand Ryan! -notices that here's about 200 feet to the ground and even though the 'chute is deployed im faling just as fast-


-looks up- the 'chute has holes Ryan! what do we do now????????? :(

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YUM! Thanks Ryan!


-notices arch nemesis Google falling with them too-


Hahahh we will at least have vanquished her! :laughingsmiley:

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Yay, I'm glad we have made peace with our evil ri-slams into ground and dies-


Yay! We're ghosts now! Let's go annoy people we didn't like when we were alive! ^^



-pokes anonymous user- Tyyyllleeeerrrr, is that you? Dx

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