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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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For each, you get 1 incoming and 1 outgoing. So if you get two, you have 2 outgoing, and 2 incoming. You can't send out 3, and bring in one.


Oh, I see! Thanks for clearing that up :) Now I know I could still be lent :D

Since when did they give multiple transfers anyways? Since this is my second day back on Neopets ^^;

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I was away for that change too. I don't know how many I have, because I rarely if ever do pet lends. (I'm just not that dedicated anymore. No time. :sad01_anim: )


Also, why are we still discussing CGers? Shouldn't we have changed topic like 7 times in two pages?

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I guess it all depends on the person then.

I cried too! :( It was so sad. I love Nicholas Sparks<3

I did too. :( Poor Jamie, and Brandon too! :O Nicholas Sparks is awesome. He writes so well, you know, I rarely cry on movies.


I just had an amazing fourth of July :D

Really? :O What did you do?

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I went down to the harbor with my best friends from 8:00 AM to just about 20 minutes ago :D

it was a moment where I did nothing but at the same time I did everything

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:laughingsmiley: Well, that sorta counts, I guess.


I just checked Today's Top 20 Posters. Seems like Wartex121 and Citadel Squirrel topped me. <_<



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I was top posters for days in a row back when I tried to become SM, and then when I finally reached it back in November, I just started posting like 10 times a day :P

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Hello everyone.

My fourth of July was boring XD, but I'm sure no one cares about that.


:laughingsmiley: Well, that sorta counts, I guess.


I just checked Today's Top 20 Posters. Seems like Wartex121 and Citadel Squirrel topped me. <_<




Oh really? YESS. My life goal has been complete.

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Hello everyone. :)

How are you all doing?


I'm trying to get the Dice-A-Roo avatar. It's driving me crazy. :grrr:


Hello :D. I'm doing pretty good myself, doing nothing right now though.

I still have yet to get that avatar! I hate that game >>

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Ahh... it seems this board is pretty lively, I've managed to miss a whole bunch of pages while I was tackling my finals. xD


I wonder what will happen to TDNF's activity level now that the AC is over?

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I was kind of expecting the opposite as the ACers headed off to do other things. xD That's what usually happens after a while anyway.

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Hey! Don't diss lurkers! I was a lurker once! :P


*flexes fingers*


A little treat for Shenkuu fans coming right up!

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Good to hear :)


Aha, it won't let me play it anymore, my pets are "SO BORED" of it. <_<


XD. I don't play it anymore because I have bad luck, and all ways seem to lose :/




Ahh... it seems this board is pretty lively, I've managed to miss a whole bunch of pages while I was tackling my finals. xD


I wonder what will happen to TDNF's activity level now that the AC is over?


Hello :D. It's pretty lively here during the day. I think everyone is asleep right now.


I would have been posting but our power has been out for 1-2 hours :/

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