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Of course I talked to him, Will. :P I spent half an hour helping him set up.


It's best to be really casual when meeting famous people. Otherwise it's just like "Ugh, another annoying fan..."


Wartex is nocturnal :P


Yeah, they showed like 8 episodes of THE ORIGNAL AVATAR today.


Avatar ruined conversation about the series. People think that the movie came first because "The last airbender" is coming out second. The TV show had the name originally and James Cameron shouldn't have been able to use it.


XD. I am :/ It sucks, espically when I make plans.


And yeah, I agree with that. I don't think he should have been able to use it. Everytime I talk about Avatar, people assume I'm talking about the movie >>. I watch it all the time it comes on tv. I love it XD


Of course I talked to him, Will. :P I spent half an hour helping him set up.


It's best to be really casual when meeting famous people. Otherwise it's just like "Ugh, another annoying fan..."


Good point. That's neat that you helped at the concert. I know the song, but I would not have known the artist's name. :whistle: I haven't really met any famous people. Julie Andrews walked within a few feet of me and my mom, and my mom just about had a heart attack because she's my mom's favorite celebrity EVER. (My mom's a singer so she really looked up to her growing up.)


I dunno about really casual. I mean, not the whole fangirl-screamy-thing, but I still think it's a good idea to be respectful and whatnot.


I have no idea who Julie Andrews is and I'm too lazy to google her XD Anything particular that she is famous for?


I've met a couple of famous people, but I wouldn't call any of them really famous, except for 2.


I'll say that I've met 6 (thats all that comes to mind), and I've been in the same place with 1 other and I didn't know it.


It's a good idea to be respectful and whatnot to anyone you first meet, famous or otherwise. I guess I took manners as a given. :P


That's so cool, Liz! I'd love to see her! Her voice is (or at least was) positively amazing.


I have no idea who Julie Andrews is and I'm too lazy to google her XD Anything particular that she is famous for?


I've met a couple of famous people, but I wouldn't call any of them really famous, except for 2.


I'll say that I've met 6 (thats all that comes to mind), and I've been in the same place with 1 other and I didn't know it.


Uh, The Sound of Music? :laughingsmiley:

She's married to Blake Edwards (director of Pink Panther movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's, etc., etc., etc.) My university orchestra gave a tribute concert to him, and she came (unannounced). We were in the front row because we got there early, so she sat just a few seats away from us.


Livvy: Her range is amazing too! I think she was pushing 4 octaves at one point, if not at least 3. That's even a lot on violin!


Oh no I hate the sound of music so much. Those songs are so aggravating.


Oh no I hate the sound of music so much. Those songs are so aggravating.


Well, she did many other things too. :P Point is, her voice is amazing.


Mary Poppins? She did a lot of musicals and such. Great actress, unbelievable singer. Liz wasn't kidding about that four octave range.


Ashkadiddle. My tummy hurts. :(


Thats a new one. XD


She was Mary Poppins too? That solves the mystery of why I hate both of them and their songs in the same fashion XD


What's a new one? Ashkadiddle? Say it. Out loud.


...Really, try it.


Tell me it's not fun to say.


It just feels weird. It would probably cause an awkward silence in actual conversation. :P


It's more a mutter if it were in actual conversation. :P I happened upon it when I tried to pronounce a string of letters like alskdjf. (Not that combination, but something random that came from hitting the keys on the home row.)


Does anyone else talk to themselves while they are typing? I tend to say aloud what I'm typing while on the forums. Well, not loudly, just a whisper. I even whispered this to myself. XD


^This was random.


Sometimes. Depending on my mood. Occasionally I read things out loud to make sure they made sense. Otherwise I'd be likely to post something that sounded good in my head and really stupid on the page.


I must be going crazy. XD I think it improves my typos though, because its like double checking each word. The worst kind of typo is an awkward typo. That makes everyone confused and kills the topic :P


I'm having trouble of thinking of a weird one. :P


No problem CAV ;) Welcome back.


When I kill a roach, it stays dead.


When I kill a centipede, it stays alive and continues it's sprinting.


Sorry I brung up an old topic.


Usually I'm a lover of creepy crawlies but those two sentences sent shivers down my spine and now I feel itchyyyy, AUGH!


With fast paced topics like the HOP reading aloud gives me an advantage :yes:


Random: I stopped typing for a bit because I got really excited that an Invader Zim commercial was on. :P *nostalgia*


Hah, are you watching Nicktoons? I have all the Zim episodes on DVD, they're good for a watch once in a while.

"Why is there BACON in the soap?!"


And Rocko's Modern Life. Oh man. And Angry Beavers. Okay, basically most cartoons on Nick from the 90's were exciting.

Ren and Stimpy is AMAZING. My best friend is grossed out by it but I think it's hilarious. My brother has it on DVD and I keep meaning to borrow them from him one day.

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