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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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So you've been letting it roam around all this time? :laughingsmiley: Use some bug spray.


I don't have bug spray. I have my size 9 1/2 shoe. But when I slam it with it, it wiggles out and continues running.


And I didn't let it roam around. I was hidding in a corner in fetal position instead.


EDIT: Ok, I got it. Now to have my dad plaster the hole in the wall.

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I would keep the spray handy until the hole gets fixed :P


Is there any other way that I can get a Lutari?

Thanks but no thanks. My accounts are full at the moment until I find a couple of homes. It will be a while before I get a Hissi.


This topic really died today, huh? o_O

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I don't like bugs either, but I am definitely not afraid to kill it unless it is a spider (poisonous) or a roach (always survive).

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I just made the best sundae that I've eaten!



My sundae tonight: I started off with a waffle bowl, added a square of Ghiradelli Ultimate Fudge brownies(These have Ghiradelli fudge chips inside and a fudge sauce on top)Next, I scooped up some moose tracks ice cream(With fudgey swirls and peanut butter cups)and put that on top.Next, I drizzled warm hot fudge on all that, then I added some pieces of Kit-Kat, Twix, and Reese's fastbreak.'Twas decadent and delicious


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Nothing really, just a slow day and a discussion about bugs it appears. -sigh-


I don't like bugs either, but I am definitely not afraid to kill it unless it is a spider (poisonous) or a roach (always survive).


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I've seen that it was a bit slow :C. I was going to post something when I woke up but didn't.


I don't really have a problem with bugs. I like them :/

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Um...I've been busy.

Watching Avatar :P


Yeah, I agree, having a bug crawl all over you is quite unpleasant :yes:

And then it's worse because if you find one you think there have to me more x_x

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Um...I've been busy.

Watching Avatar :P


Yeah, I agree, having a bug crawl all over you is quite unpleasant :yes:

And then it's worse because if you find one you think there have to me more x_x


I wanted to see that movie :/ I was going to see it but it's too long.


Why are we talking about bugs anyways? XD

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And then it's worse because if you find one you think there have to me more x_x



That's the worst part, there :P

I was going to watch Avatar, but never got around to it. I think there's a copy sitting around my house.


Also, why can't we talk about bugs? It's better than talking about.... file cabinets

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Ah, there it goes again. Avatar the TV show x_x


Apparently file cabinets outside of the US are designed for different sized paper than file cabinets in the US. Thanks, Wikipedia :D

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Silly! File cabinets are totally fascinating! :O


It was a Christian rock concert, and a small one at that, so there weren't a whole ton of people, but I really like the artist. He wrote one of my favorite songs: More Beautiful You. It went really well, but I only got to hear a tiny bit because I was busy volunteering outside the auditorium.

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Ah, there it goes again. Avatar the TV show x_x


Apparently file cabinets outside of the US are designed for different sized paper than file cabinets in the US. Thanks, Wikipedia :D


Like Avatar the last airbender? You should have said that XDD.


I've done basically nothing all day! Slept till 8 pm >> and then sat around the house.

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Wartex is nocturnal :P


Yeah, they showed like 8 episodes of THE ORIGNAL AVATAR today.


Avatar ruined conversation about the series. People think that the movie came first because "The last airbender" is coming out second. The TV show had the name originally and James Cameron shouldn't have been able to use it.

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Jonny Diaz? You may not have heard of him, but he's pretty good. Beautiful You is a really uplifting song. It's basically a reminder to girls that they don't have to give into the pressure of the world to look beautiful, because they are the way they are for a reason.

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Not my favorite christian music, but its decent compared to a lot of people just getting together these days and calling themselves musicians.

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Oh. Yep, that's it. =] He's a pretty new artist, so he's still working on developing a style I guess. Pleasant sound though, and a really nice person. I got to help him set up his booth, and it took me a good 10 minutes to realize the guy I was working with was actually Jonny Diaz. :P

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I am really casual when I meet famous musicians. I've met 3 people personally from my favorite band and it was awesome.


I watch avatar too often to waste my time viewing it online honestly. XD

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