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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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And psh, four pages in a day? When the IC was here, we'd go through 20 in a couple hours. I kid you not. If you took a nap with us around... you didn't bother catching up.

I have heard that. :O I have even went through many previous pages too. IC was cool. ^_^

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Lulz, the IC gave me that habit. I have gone back and read about 3 pages in total on the HOP thread since i've joined. :P


And lulz at the teacher that made the lobster comment. :P

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I know you're not asking me, but I think you can. I don't know how many posts he has at the moment, but you seem to have gotten better about posting relevant information on a variety of topics, which is a big plus to reaching FM. *speaks from experience*

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Cause we're just that evil. b)



See? She's smart. b)



And sorry Anisha, but the image I get in my head from that is pretty funny. laughingsmiley.gif


I guess you're as evil as my swimmers ear, which is causing me pain :/


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Aww. :( *hugs Adis' painful ear* *realizes that's kind of odd, so hugs the rest of him too* I hope your ear gets better soon.


XD. This made me lol. -hugs back- And thank you! It's probably going to get worse since I won't stop swimming.

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Well, I went to bed at like 1 am because I was really tired :/ Ended up waking up at 5 am. So I got on neopets because I figured I was really tired, chatted on the AC boards, and on here. Then when 9:30 am came around, I decided to sleep until 1 or 2, since I already have 4 hours of sleeep. Yeah..... It didn't work that way. I slept till 6:30 pm >>


I sleep 8 to 9 hours on holidays. It's 4am right now. And I might take a nap. If so, I would end up waking up at 12pm, probably.


And how many people here are DCers? :laughingsmiley:


And sorry Anisha, but the image I get in my head from that is pretty funny. laughingsmiley.gif

Hmmph. <_< Very nice of you.

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Uhhhh... I think... Anisha! Anisha will get their first. smile_anim.gif

-Hides from CAV- I dun wanna take sides! Dx


What is swimmers ear? It's the second time i've seen this metioned. ohmy.gif




Hmmph. jealous.gif Very nice of you.

Okay, okay, i'm sorry for being mean. rolleyes_anim.gif

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I sleep 8 to 9 hours on holidays. It's 4am right now. And I might take a nap. If so, I would end up waking up at 12pm, probably.


And how many people here are DCers? :laughingsmiley:



Hmmph. <_< Very nice of you.


I have a weird sleeping schedule :/ Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and stay on the computer for a few hours before falling back asleep.


Random fact: I just made myself green tea! W00t.




Uhhhh... I think... Anisha! Anisha will get their first. :yes:

-Hides from CAV- I dun wanna take sides! Dx


What is swimmers ear? It's the second time i've seen this metioned. :O


It's basically an ear infection. You get it from swimming too much. Your ears are meant to be dried up, and when they have too much moisture, you get an infection.


I just got this when I tried replying: [#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 30 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.


Does everyone get that, or just me?

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@Ani: *raises hand* I do DC! Well, I used to. Not so much anymore. I might visit it again. *shrug*


@Adis: Good. And if you put a few drops of rubbing alcohol in your ear after swimming and leave it in there for a bit (like a minute) it should help evaporate any water left in your ears.


EDIT: That's flood control, Adis. Everyone gets it if they try to post too quickly. It's to prevent posts like


Post 1: SPAM!!

Post 2: SPAM!!

Post 3: SPAM!!

Post 4: ... well, you get the idea. So on and so forth.

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I just got this when I tried replying: [#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 30 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.


Does everyone get that, or just me?


Everyone gets it, until they become an FM, at 2,000 posts.

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@Ani: *raises hand* I do DC! Well, I used to. Not so much anymore. I might visit it again. *shrug*


@Adis: Good. And if you put a few drops of rubbing alcohol in your ear after swimming and leave it in there for a bit (like a minute) it should help evaporate any water left in your ears.


I didn't know about that. I'll try it sometime. I was just planning on waiting till it went away XD


Um... I don't know what DC is? :C

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I remember Dragon Cave. I haven't been there in too long...


And aw, i'm sorry Adis. Dx


Wait, you're not affected by flood control when you become an FM? -Hadn't known this-

Edit: Nvm...

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@Ani: *raises hand* I do DC! Well, I used to. Not so much anymore. I might visit it again. *shrug*

And DC means Darigan Citadel. What are you talking about? Dragon Cave? :laughingsmiley:


I have a weird sleeping schedule :/ Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and stay on the computer for a few hours before falling back asleep.

After I fall asleep, it's hard to wake me up ...


Uhhhh... I think... Anisha! Anisha will get their first. smile_anim.gif


Okay, okay, i'm sorry for being mean. rolleyes_anim.gif

Wait ... what? :laughingsmiley: I am only in 1k posts. Thanks anyways.


And, thats better. b)

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I remember Dragon Cave. I haven't been there in too long...


And aw, i'm sorry Adis. Dx


Wait, you're not affected by flood control when you become an FM? -Hadn't known this-

Edit: Nvm...

It's ok :D It'll go away sooner or later...I hope ><




After I fall asleep, it's hard to wake me up ...


That's how I am! I remember I slept through an earthquake before. It didn't happen in our area but we could feel it.

Everyone went back to school talking about it...besides me of course.

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WAIT! You meant Darigan Citadel? Oh, no, I'm for Lost Desert. ^_^ I meant DC as in Dragon Cave. :P

Yeah, I was talking about That DC. :laughingsmiley: Though Dragon Cave is cool too. :yes:


Am I forgiven? :P

Yup! You are. ^_^


That's how I am! I remember I slept through an earthquake before. It didn't happen in our area but we could feel it.

Everyone went back to school talking about it...besides me of course.

Oh boy, earthquakes. :laughingsmiley: Pfft.

I never actually felt one. How does it feels? Like Disco dancing?

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Yeah, I was talking about That DC. :laughingsmiley: Though Dragon Cave is cool too. :yes:



Yup! You are. ^_^



Oh boy, earthquakes. :laughingsmiley: Pfft.

I never actually felt one. How does it feels? Like Disco dancing?


I have no clue xD. I think it was the after shock. Plus, I was asleep on my cozy bed.

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Ohhhh! -Raises hand- I'm sure most of you have figured out i'm a DCer by now. :P



Yup! You are. happy.gif

YAY! laughingsmiley.gif



I've never been in an earthquake either. Maybe it's like a rocking chair with jet fuel? o.o

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