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Giovanni Gale

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GUIDO!!!!!!*fist pumps*


Jersey Shore is so fun to make fun of. A couple of guys got guidos for prom.

I live where the show is filmed so naturally there are so many shirts and everything thats says things about Guidos it makes me want to barf. But sadly everything portrayed on the show really happens there saddly are a lot of people exactly like that. My only problem with the show is that they don't emphasize enough that only 1 of all the people on the show are actually from NJ, the others all live in other states and come party and be ridiculous here for the summer.

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in 1984 when the Olympics were in LA the king went into the shop that my dad worked at then, and they talked for a while

Sounds good. :yes:


I have seen the Puri Prince. Er, he laughs so hard. Scared me all the time. He is a modern type of Prince. He doesn't rule or anything. <_< He actually is the great-great-great-great grandson of the last king.

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what does puri mean? is that in India or something

Yes. :yes:


Puri is a city in Orissa, India. Very religious I should say. Has cool beaches. Thats the reason I like that place. :laughingsmiley:

And oh, my cousins live there. That's how I know Oriya (language people speak in Orissa). Kenta accha ho? See? I spoke Oriya. :yes:

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there are so many different places in India, where should I go when I visit there in about 15-20 years

Goa! :laughingsmiley:

The best place for U.S. citizens. You would find lots of foreigners here. Starting from Chinese to British. It's sometimes odd though. We get to see lot of tourist, my head spins. I remember when I had bumped into some Japanese/Chinese/Nepali girl. She looked at me and ran away. <_< Do I look that scary?

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I'll just go everywhere there, it seems like a great country

Not that great, I assure you. <_<

I wish I lived in US or UK, or some Europe place. India is boring and unpopular.

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i think everyone thinks that their home country is boring. I find the US extremely boring

No, I don't think so. I have a Portuguese friend, he lives in here, Goa. He says that India is boring, and I completely agree. Portugal is a amazing country, or so I have heard.


And no, US is not boring. Your schools are so awesome! You know, we have uniforms in our school. <_<

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Some of the schools here (such as mine <_<) require uniforms

it depends on where you live. I live in the LA area area but I'm in the one of the three counties no one never hears anything about

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We have uniforms too 0.o


I don't find the US boring, but I think that there are more interesting countries out there. ex. Germany, Italy, Malta, new Zealand, Australia, Portugal, The UK, and Denmark.


Note: I said interesting, not better, we all have our advantages and disadvantages.

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Our uniform is Cyan colored, checkered with skirts, white shirt and an icky tie. :sick01: I hate our uniforms.


I sooo much want to go to Egypt, Portugal, France. I wish I had the power to teleport from one country to other. :laughingsmiley:

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i pretty much want to go almost everywhere. All the interesting places, at least

:laughingsmiley: It would take you forever Tyler.



And, today I broke my Vegetarian-ess. My mom made some fried rice and barbecued chicken. I ate it.

My Vegetarian-ess lasted for 5 days only. Wow. :rolleyes_anim:

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I'm almost half French and I wouldn't go to France....plus I hate French even if I speak some.


Our high school has white or burgendy polo shirts with khaki pants (or long skirts). A nearby catholic school has blue plaid shorts/skirts and white/blue polo shirts.

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I have a list. And I could combine trips

I could pretty much drive to Mexico



Costa Rican and Panama could be one trip

Jamaica and Puerto Rico could be one trip

Brazil, Argentina, and Chile could be one trip

a tour of Europe





South Africa


Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore could be one trip




Australia and New Zealand could be one trip

already plans for going to Tonga next year

see, perfectly possible

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I'm almost half French and I wouldn't go to France....plus I hate French even if I speak some.


Our high school has white or burgendy polo shirts with khaki pants (or long skirts). A nearby catholic school has blue plaid shorts/skirts and white/blue polo shirts.

I want to go to Paris. My cousins live there.

I know, I know, I have LARGE amount of cousins.


I like Khaki pants. Better than Cyan colored checkered ones. We look like Geeks. <_<


I have a list. And I could combine trips

I could pretty much drive to Mexico



Costa Rican and Panama could be one trip

Jamaica and Puerto Rico could be one trip

Brazil, Argentina, and Chile could be one trip

a tour of Europe




Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore could be one trip




Australia and New Zealand could be one trip

already plans for going to Tonga next year

see, perfectly possible

Woah woah woah.

Do you have this much of time, I mean. Don't you have school? :laughingsmiley:

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I would really just like to have the opportunity to get to explore my own country. Canada is BIG, and I haven't even been all over my own HUGE province. I want to get to go to Quebec, Newfoundland, NWT, Yukon, and Nunavut. As for visiting other countries, I'd like to go to Greenland, all of the Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, and other places in Eastern Europe.


I have no desire to visit anyplace tropical or hot. I don't like hot weather.

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Noog, you are so lucky! The closest there is too cold over here is up in the mountains and even then it dosen't go into negatives and it's already hit like 110 since summer started...



Also, I came home from my friends house about 40 minutes ago and met our new dog. o.o'

-Pets Liberty-

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