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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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OMG, someone broke into our car and like just took out our stereo system ERRR. :grrr: I swear if i ever see them imma run them down [well......im too young but yea] So stupid people have no lifes. :angry:

I think someone is hating on my brother or something or has some kinda grudge against us.



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No it was stole while i was at school. We had our car parked in the students parking area. [my brother drives]

Man, this is the second time! Before the they steal our car and mp3 and now they ruin the stereo. Stinkin low lifes.

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but we'd have to stand the despies and the ones who go like "omg like i'm 14/f/somewhere looking for a guy to talk to". Gosh anything but THAT please!!


We could also have as many pets as we want! I think they should come up with a Neopets world in Disney or something...

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